Call of Duty®: Warzone

Call of Duty: Warzone is an FPS belonging the the Battle Royale genre. You will take part in a huge multiplayer online combat with150 players each time you play with an action-filled and nervewracking rhythm.

Call of Duty®: Warzone

Call of Duty: Warzone is an FPS, belonging to the Battle Royale genre. The game has been developed by Infinity Ward and Raven Software and published by Activision.

In each game you will take part in an online multiplayer combat between 150 players, although some game modes are allowing 200 players for a limited time.

Warzone introduces a new currency system in the game that can be used in “Buy Stations” in Verdansk, the renaissance island and its surroundings. The delivery of weaponry is an example of where cash can be exchanged for limited access to personalised weapons for the players. Players can also use money to buy items such as “killstreaks” and anti-gas masks. Money can be found by emptying buildings and killing players who have money on them.


Informacije o igri

  • Naslov: Call of Duty®: Warzone

  • Kategorije:

  • Oznake:

  • Developer: Raven Software, Infinity Ward

  • Izdavač: Activision (0)



Zahtjevi sistema


  • OS: Windows® 10 64 bits (v. 1709 or superior)

  • CPU: Intel Core i3-4340 or AMD FX-6300

  • RAM: 8 GB

  • GC: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 / GeForce GTX 1650 or Radeon HD 7950

  • HDD: 175 GB

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