Guides: Dungeons - Part 3

11/10/2019 - 10:00


List of dungeons and bosses

- Elevator Shaft (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty, located at Dawn Hope). Boss: Bootar.
- Sewers (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty, located at Dawn Hope). Boss: DoubleJack.

1. The Crosslink (dungeon base, located at Golden River)

1. Maintenance Route #32 (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Fellok.
2. Exit 47 (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Motikan.
3. Labyrinth (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Gafrok, Olga, and Killark.
4. Area of Engagement (Field dungeon, open at Normal difficulty). Boss: Fiskes.
5. Route Defense (Defence dungeon, open at Expert difficulty). 
6. Transit Route (Raid dungeon, open at Expert difficulty). Boss: perfect Fellok.

2. West Camp (dungeon base, located at Arebis Jungle)

1. Research Institute (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Akonite.
2. Underground Laboratory (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Hydraken.
3. Manufacturing Plant (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Teigao. 
4. Jungle Perimeter (Field dungeon, open at Normal difficulty). Boss: Duskthorn.
5. Research Room (Defence dungeon, open at Expert difficulty). 
6. CAM Research Institute (Raid dungeon, open at Expert difficulty). Boss: Brooks.

3. Entropy Survey HQ (dungeon base, located at the Basalt Belt)

1. Flaming Valley (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Lava Skull.
2. Section 1 (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Grossmund.
3. Section 2 (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty): Boss: Giagnos.
4. Andizan Plains (Field dungeon, open at Normal difficulty). Boss: Mumbling.
5. Camp Heliport (Defence dungeon, open at Expert difficulty).
6. Garrus Fortress (Raid dungeon, open at Expert difficulty). Boss: Zeestern.

4. Breakthrough Barracks (dungeon base, located at Graubalt)

1. Logging Zone (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Harvester.
2. Power Plant (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Nuff Bass.
3. Peyron Ruins (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Chiugo.
4. Turbine Room (Regular dungeon, open at Training difficulty). Boss: Spiter.
5. Pine Forest Logging Zone (Field dungeon, open at Normal difficulty). Boss: Dual Haken.
6. Turbine Control Room (Defence dungeon, open at Expert difficulty). 
7. Boiler Room (Raid dungeon, open at Expert difficulty). Boss: OOZ-E.

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