Lets’ meet Nut, the new deity of SMITE
15/02/2024 - 11:19The sky is a universal wonder in many myths, with its seemingly limitless presence surrounding the entirety of the earth in a soft blue hue. According to Egyptian legend, this protective barrier, filled with brilliant starlight, is Nut, the mother of all souls and her guide to a peaceful afterlife.
Throughout SMITE's history, there has always been an omnipresent observer, instructing mortals who dare to play gods about the sagas and tales of the mythologies they represent. This figure has been known in our community as the Lady of Lore, but now, in year 11 of SMITE, she is revealed to be Nut, as she has been all along! Soon, Nut will be among the gods she only knew through fables passed down from generation to generation. More information here.
Additionally, we recommend that you take a look at the patch notes so you don't miss a single detail of everything that is coming to SMITE.