Zula Europe Pro League 2019 Summer Split | Week 6 | Chronicle
04/07/2019 - 17:00
The 6th week of the Zula Europe Pro League 2019 Summer Split in which we have been able to enjoy very interesting matches since several teams had a lot at stake has already taken place.
The first map of this match was China. Everything was very close until the swap of roles. The result was 5 - 4 favorable for X6TENCE. But all changed in the turn of defense of ACTINA PACT that managed to close the map with a result of 10 - 6. The player with more kills was merkan, with a KDA of 1.90 (18/11/3). The second confrontation took place in the Wedding Hall. The start of the match was very close since none of the teams wanted to sink the knee in front of the other one which led us to the swap of roles with a result of 5 - 4 for ACTINA PACT. v1lczek led ACTINA PACT and had no mercy with the aliens. During the turn of attack of X6TENCE, hunteR hunted several dams, but they were not enough to avoid the defeat of his team, which fell defeated with a result of 10 - 6. The top scorer of the match was v1lczek who got a KDA of 2.37 (18/8/1) being the player with the most kills of both his team and the match.

- PRIDE vs Mercury Esports
Mercury Esports gave the surprise in this confrontation winning PRIDE by 2 - 0. The first match took place in Old Town, where the blues dominated completely reaching a result 8 - 1 before the swap of roles. In their defense phase, the Polish eagles lifted the flight a little, but not enough to avoid the defeat with a result of 10 - 4. The top scorer of the match was Gesundheit with a KDA of 2.50 (17/8/3). In Refugee’s Camp, everything was closer, even having to play an overtime to know the winner. Mercury Esports finally won with a result of 13 - 9. The top scorer of the match was mtzN1, the virus, with a KDA of 1.92 (22/14/5).

- Black Claw vs Warthox Esport
In this confrontation the Black Claw players took the initiative and won both maps. The first map of this confrontation was China. Everything was very close until the swap of roles since in the final stretch of the game, Black Claw players closed the game with a result of 10 - 6. The player with more kills was Miketsh with a KDA of 2.22 (17/9/3). On the second map, the Wedding Hall, Black Claw dominated completely in his defense turn getting a result of 7 - 2 before the swap of roles. Finally, the match ended with a result of 10 - 5 for Black Claw.

- NETopery vs For The Win Esports
In this confrontation the NETopery players had no mercy on any of the maps. For The Win Esports players only managed to score 3 rounds on both maps. The MVP of the confrontation was Incredible with a KDA of 4.71 (27/7/6).


MVP of the week:

The next matches that we will be able to enjoy next week are the following:
