Dune: Awakening

Dune: Awakening combines the determination and creativity of survival games with the social interactivity of large-scale multiplayer games to create a unique and highly ambitious open-world survival MMO.

Dune: Awakening

Dune: Awakening combines the determination and creativity of survival games with the social interactivity of large-scale multiplayer games to create a unique and highly ambitious open-world survival MMO. Go from survival to domination on an Arrakis shared by thousands of players.

  • Survive the most dangerous planet in the universe by building shelters to protect yourself from sandstorms, maintaining your stillsuit, and mastering the old ways of walking even the deepest deserts.
  • Explore the ever-changing Arrakis. Explore the ruins of derelict biological testing stations, search among the wreckage of spaceships, and wander the dusty corridors of abandoned sietches. Head into unmapped sectors and be the first to discover secrets and riches before the coriolis storms shift the sands, yet again, and alter the landscape.
  • Control the spice, control Arrakis. Search for spice blows, deploy your harvester and protect it from opportunistic raiders and rival factions. Drench the sands with blood as massive battles shift from foot to vehicles and from the ground to the sky.
  • Make plans within plans. Make a name for yourself among the people of Arrakis. Use intrigue and force to influence the Landsraad and impact the world. Build your own faction through spice harvesting, trade, subterfuge and open conflict.
  • Awaken the sleeper. Customise every aspect of your character. Consume spices to conquer your senses and acquire powerful abilities. Build your fortress in your chosen style.


게임 정보

  • 제목: Dune: Awakening

  • 분류:

  • 태그:

  • 개발자: Funcom

  • 출판인: Funcom (0)



시스템 요구 사항


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