New Quality-of-Life Feature: Cosmetic Inspection
16/04/2024 - 10:34As we all know, fashion is the real focus of Guild Wars 2®, and today comes an update that will go a long way toward leveling the playing field for new fashion fans.
After countless requests and a long wait, everything is finally ready to revolutionize Tyria's fashion with the new cosmetic inspection. From now on, you will find a new option called “Cosmetic Inspection” in the context menu (accessible by right-clicking on another player's image). This option will open a new panel with the appearance of what that player is equipped with: outfit, weapons, armor and associated dyes.
You can also open this option using the chat command “/inspect” while you have the player targeted. You will notice that some items are updated with text explaining how to obtain them. We will add more descriptions of these origins in future updates. More information here.