The Story of HeroVersus is set in an alternative universe during the World War II era, in which the Axis was victorious. The heroes have to travel back in time to battle the Nazis, kick ass, and save the world from their domination. The story is told via a short comic series consisting of over 70 pages of narrative content, viewable directly in the game, and being unlocked as the player progresses through the game.
The game has several game modes, from a casual game mode, practice mode, survival and ranked games focused on future tournaments and esports.
HeroVersus runs away from the pay to win model, players can download and play for free and fight for the win using in their playing skill. The game will sell characters and costume skins, and other cosmetic articles for players to enjoy it. There is no difference between paying and non-paying players in gameplay and only the best can win!
Game features:
- Casual and pro gaming: HeroVersus is designed for casual players as a step stone into fighting game community and then grow from there to the esports metagame. The character handling in the fights is easy and intuitive for new and pro players.
- Socially connected HeroVersus is not only a game, it is also a social messaging app allows instant chat with other players and the game will push the latest community news to keep everyone updated! Stay Connected!
- 11 characters to start, each of them with its own fighting style.
- Ongoing comic series “The Story of HeroVersus” into the game.