Jump into the adventure of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, the innovative third-person action shooter being developed by Rocksteady Studios, which are also the creators of the critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham saga. This title presents the unmistakable style of the studio that combines the story of the characters with the action of third-person shooters to make us live a unique gaming experience.
Discover the origins of Amanda Waller's infamous Task Force X (aka the Suicide Squad) and embark on a quest that Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and King Shark reluctantly undertake to annihilate the world's most powerful Super Heroes: the Justice League. With an original narrative that takes place in the sprawling open world of the city of Metropolis, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League places the four DC Super Villains in the midst of a rampant and destructive race alongside an invading alien force and the superheroes of DC, who now plan to destroy the city that one day they promised to protect. As if that were not enough, they also have to be careful with the lethal explosives that are implanted in their heads, and which could kill them at the slightest sign of resistance.
Each member of the squad is distinguished by their unique repertoire of moves and has special talents that allow them to freely explore the dynamic open world of Metropolis, as well as a customizable set of weapons and skills that can be developed.