Statement on real Money trades with Zula Items or Zula accounts outside IDC/Games platform
05/06/2018 - 11:00
Dear Community,
As many of you know and as it is stated in IDC/Games ToS, trading with any account or virtual item within the IDC/Games ecosystem is forbidden . This is a usual policy all over the gaming world and our intention is to keep on that.
So far we have received many reports about players selling their stuff to other players or accounts but for different reasons we decided to take no action for the good of the community due to this being very few cases.
But lately we are seeing this trend increasing and we consider now that this is a threat for the fair players, for the sportsmanship and for the game as a whole.
Starting today I have asked the customer service department to start blocking accounts with evidences of this behavior for a minimum of 7 days for first offense and 30 days for second offense and permaban for more.
Best Regards.