V 1.23K Patchnotes
14/05/2019 - 12:00
- New Skins:
Weapons: AK-47, Desert Eagle, G36, Kriss Vector, AUG A3, Dragunov, Glock 18, L115A3, AWP, DSR-1, HK417, M468, BORA-12, Fateh, HK417 Europe, M4A1, Cheytac M200, FN FAL, Huntsman, XCR-L, M6 LWRC, MPT-76, P90, UTS-15, M93R, MPT-76S.
Weapons: AK-47, Desert Eagle, G36, AUG A3, Dragunov, Glock 18, AWP, DSR-1, HK417, BORA-12, Fateh, HK417 Europe, Cheytac M200, FN FAL, Huntsman, Kriss Vector, M6 LWRC, P90, L115A3, M93R, UTS-15, M468, MPT-76, XCR-L, M4A1, MPT-76S.
Weapons: AK-47, Desert Eagle, G36, M93R, AUG A3, Dragunov, Glock 18, MPT-76, AWP, DSR-1, HK417, MPT-76S, BORA-12, Fateh, HK417 Europe, M468, Cheytac M200, FN FAL, Huntsman, M4A1, Kriss Vector, M6 LWRC, P90, UTS-15, L115A3, XCR-L.
- New Levels: The new maximum level will be 80. There are also 2 new ranks available: Pasha and Past Master.
- New Decks:
- New Case:
- Workshop Update: from now on the workshop will have more features.