Discover all the news of the Major Update “Alpha Strike”

14/03/2024 - 12:34

The first War Thunder Major Update of 2024 is here!

Several very interesting ground vehicles have been added, some of which include five premium Tier VIIs, the formidable Fox light tank, up to the 120S and the Zerstörer 45.

Hungarian planes have made a place for themselves in the Italy’s tree, where you can pilot a series of devices with all the capabilities in air and land battles. The agile Alpha Jet has arrived for Germany and France, as well as the welcome Wessex for Great Britain.

Additionally, the IJN Mutsu (with the largest cannons in the game) is now ready to set sail for Japan. North Holland is a new ground forces map, with a city and flat terrain, perfect for different combat engagements.

And finally, you can also enjoy several additions to the roadmap, one of which is an aircraft fuel slider! Discover all this and much more by entering here.

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