Zula Open Championship #51

22/11/2019 - 13:52


Hello Esports Fans!

We bring you a new opportunity to face the best teams of Zula Europe and to win great rewards!

You can join this Open Tournament clicking here. In this web page you will find all the information related with the tournament such as rules, registration, prizes...

This kind of tournament have been scheduled for players that can only play during the night but still want to play competitively with their teammates.

Join the tournament fast since only 16 teams will be able to play!

See you in the battlefield!

Você gostou?

Escreva seu comentário:
Ups... Ainda não tiveste mais de duas horas neste jogo!
Se quiseres deixar um comentário tens de ter um vício mais longo. Pelo menos duas horas.
