The Season 15 Crystal League Championship is really near

28/04/2022 - 12:38

The Season 15 Crystal League Championship will take place from 4th to 5th June, with the best players from the Albion Crystal League facing each other to win incredible prizes, including an ultra rare Sabertooth Rex Swiftclaw design. The tournament will be open to the 8 best teams in the Crystal League from the season, based on the following:

  • Number of level 9 victories
  •  Number of level 8 victories
  • Number of level 7 victories
  • etc.

This time, the games will have a hard cap instead of a soft cap to limit the general costs of equipment for the teams. Just like in previous championships, all the games in the Season 15 Crystal League will use full loot rules.

Find out the rest of the information here.

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