Play together | Asphalt Legends Unite

24/06/2024 - 12:01

Join Frankie Muniz as all players prepare to play together with the release of Asphalt Legends Unite on July 17!

With this first expansion, you will be able to play against your friends, regardless of the platform.

Players on Android, iOS, Xbox, Windows, Steam, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation will finally be able to compete together!

What are you waiting for? Gather your friends as it will be time to find out who is the best runner!

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Hay aksi… Bu oyunda henüz iki saat oynamadın.
İnceleme yayınlamak istiyorsan, oyunu daha derinlemesine tanımalısın… Yani en az 2 saat oyun süresine sahip olmalısın.
