Rise and shine!

04/05/2022 - 12:23

Mark your calendars and clear your schedule, the PGL Antwerp Major kicks off on May 9th!

Are you ready to support your favorite teams? Team Stickers, Player Autographs, and Spectator Passes are now available! 50% of the proceeds go to the players, teams and organizations participating in the PGL Antwerp Major.

And for those of you who want to cheer on in person, there are tickets available for the main event!

If you want to discover all the information about it, we encourage you to hit a few shots here.

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Hay aksi… Bu oyunda henüz iki saat oynamadın.
İnceleme yayınlamak istiyorsan, oyunu daha derinlemesine tanımalısın… Yani en az 2 saat oyun süresine sahip olmalısın.