Zarzakh is Under Siege| Limited-Time Event

10/09/2024 - 13:08

The Siege of Zarzakh has begun! In this limited-time event, groups of 8-10 capsuleers must pass through perilous star systems to reach Horizon Siege Point sites and destroy Drifter siege engines. As the Drifters attack the four star systems with direct gates to Zarzakh, participating capsuleers can earn valuable rewards defending against the onslaught.

These dangerous systems aren’t for the faint of heart and travel here is hazardous. Drifters and Sleepers will also be roaming the star systems where attacks are taking place and sites will be limited to battlecruisers and smaller ships. With this in mind, fleeting up is strongly advised.

It seems that the rifts will cease to appear on 12 September, so hurry up! Find more details here.

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