Get Over Here! | S4 Highlights

20/01/2025 - 15:38

Relive the most epic moments with the Season 4 Highlights of THE FINALS. From incredible plays to unforgettable wins, this compilation has it all.

Want to be part of the next showcase? Season 5 is just around the corner! Make sure to submit your best clips for a chance to be featured and earn the exclusive “Highlights Reel” Weapon Charm.

Join the official Discord, where a new submission link for Season 5 clips is available in the Server-Announcements channel. Don’t miss your chance to shine next season!

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Hay aksi… Bu oyunda henüz iki saat oynamadın.
İnceleme yayınlamak istiyorsan, oyunu daha derinlemesine tanımalısın… Yani en az 2 saat oyun süresine sahip olmalısın.
