Discover all the new features in the Firebirds update!

20/11/2024 - 15:08

Immediately worth noting is that the F-117A has joined the ranks as a squadron vehicle, bringing a brand-new stealth capability to the game!

Several jet aircraft, such as the Tornado GR.4, Su-34 and F-15E Strike Eagle have entered the scene, as well as several cockpit upgrades and two new helicopters.

On the ground vehicle side, Firebirds focuses on lighter vehicles and gap-filling, including the AAA Skink and T77E1 for the US, Ram II and Scimitar for Britain, the PLZ05 for China and three Dutch Leopards for France.

Dunkirk takes the naval spotlight, while the Abandoned Factory map has received a visual update, providing a refreshed experience for tankers.

Test flights have been greatly expanded with more enemies, options and new airfields, and lastly the game has seen a host of graphics and effects updates, including ray tracing, new afterburner visual effects, LERX vapor and much more. Find out all the details here.

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