Black Friday lands on the battlefield!

28/11/2019 - 11:33

Hi all!

The Black Friday is here and nice opportunities that you can not miss come together with it:

- All in game items will have a 50% discount in Zula Gold and a 25% discount in Zula Points.
- All Zula Gold packs in the store will have a 25% discount.

This is your opportunity to obtain all the items you want.

IMPORTANT: offer valid from 29/11/2019 at 00:00 (CET) until 02/12/2019 at 00:00 (CET).

IMPORTANT: the discount will not be applied to the permanent version of the weapons.

See you on the battlefield!

¡Nos vemos en el campo de batalla!

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Yorum yap:
Hay aksi… Bu oyunda henüz iki saat oynamadın.
İnceleme yayınlamak istiyorsan, oyunu daha derinlemesine tanımalısın… Yani en az 2 saat oyun süresine sahip olmalısın.
