Alterity Experience

You’re Anton Cornwell, a farmer from California. Lately, some unusual things have been going down on the ranch. Invaded from all directions, you’ll have to use your head to be able to put a stop to it. Will you make it out alive?

Alterity Experience

You’re Anton Cornwell, a farmer from California. Lately, some unusual and unexplainable things have been going down on the ranch. As you begin to be invaded from every direction, you’ll have to use your head to be able to put a stop to it. Will you make it out alive?

ALTERITY EXPERIENCE is a closed-door adventure game played in first person. Action takes place in modern-day Lucy County, North Carolina, an area well known for its paranormal phenomena. Several farmers have discovered a mysterious purple substance spreading across their farms.

You find yourself facing the same phenomena. For a while now, your neighbours have mentioned some strange sightings not too far from your property. Your quick reflexes and your home security system are the only defence you have. It seems that an object with unknown origins could be the key to your survival and… it’s hidden somewhere in your house.


  • Immersive world: explore the Cornwell ranch and immerse yourself in sci-fi scenery and sounds from the years ’79 and ‘80.
  • Test of survival: something strange is happening in the house. Move as quickly as you can to keep away or use the house security system to help you.
  • An intriguing enigma: find the mysterious object and try to figure out what it is used for.
  • Family history: find out the Cornwell family history by going through documents and exploring the house in search of clues that could prove to be important.

Thông tin về game

  • Tựa đề: Alterity Experience

  • Thể loại:

  • Thẻ:

  • Người phát triển: Onitron Studio

  • Nhà xuất bản: Immanitas Entertaiment GmbH (Onitron Studio)

Ngôn ngữ

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Yêu cầu hệ thống

Tối thiểu

  • OS: Windows 7 or higher

  • CPU: Intel i5 (3.2 Ghz)

  • RAM: 8 GB

  • GC: GeForce GTX 960

  • HDD: 3 GB

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