Dragon Awaken

Dragon Awaken is a 3D online MMORPG featuring multiplayer battles set in a fantasy world full of dragons, sinister creatures and power. Be the legendary hero the world of Dragon Awaken has been waiting for!

Dragon Awaken

Dragon Awaken is a 3D online MMORPG featuring multiplayer battles set in a fantasy world full of dragons, sinister creatures and power.

Players can customise characters thanks to various items, armour, dragons, hero combinations, abilities and skill trees.

Master up to 6 different dragons, each one with their own elemental power, and reap the rewards in battle.

Players collect legendary armour forged by dragon fire, activating it in battle for cutscenes and receiving new powers.

Characters receive support from several heroes who fight alongside them to help them on their adventure.

The world of Dragon Awaken is divided into two sides: Friendship and Supremacy. Make your side the strongest and defeat your enemies.

Be the legendary hero that the world of Dragon Awaken has been waiting for.


Thông tin về game

  • Tựa đề: Dragon Awaken

  • Thể loại:

  • Thẻ:

  • Người phát triển: Game Hollywood

  • Nhà xuất bản: Game Hollywood (0)

Ngôn ngữ

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Yêu cầu hệ thống

Tối thiểu

  • OS: Windows 7

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