For Sparta

One million Persians have arrived at the shores of Greece, and only you can stop them in this fast-paced single-screen arena roguelike with +200 gameplay-changing items. Die for freedom! Die For Sparta!

For Sparta

The fate of Greece is left to 300 warriors who left Sparda to fight one million Persians in the Pass Thermopylae. 299 Spartans fell nobly in combat. You are the only thing standing between invasion and the freedom of your people.

Dive deep into the world of For Sparta, a single-screen fast-paced action game that borrows gameplay from roguelikes, in a world of procedural generation against waves of monsters and interchangeable items.

Play as Leonidas, warlord and King of Sparta. Battle the waves of Persians, gain new items of unique abilities and create your perfect run.


  • Top-down fast fluid combat
  • +200 gameplay-changing items
  • +40 original enemies
  • Simple but fun controls
  • Arcade-like arena fight
  • Every run is unique thanks to new attacks and items
  • Play however you want: Keyboard/Mouse and Controller support
  • Easy to play, hard to master
  • Attack, dodge, kill, die, learn, rinse and repeat
  • Score attack: challenge yourself in survival and combat challenges
  • Your very own adrenaline shot

Thông tin về game

  • Tựa đề: For Sparta

  • Thể loại:

  • Thẻ:

  • Người phát triển: Gamecraft Studios

  • Nhà xuất bản: Gamecraft Studios (0)

Ngôn ngữ

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Yêu cầu hệ thống

Tối thiểu

  • OS:

  • CPU:

  • RAM: 2 GB

  • GC: Any DirectX 11 compatible graphics card

  • HDD: 50 MB

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