Sea Salt

A hybrid of action and strategy where you'll play as Dragon, the old God and scourge of the seas, who summons terrible horrors to devastate the land of men. Humans will pay their due, and you will reap your vengeance.

Sea Salt

Sea Salt is an action strategy hybrid, in which you are an Old God summoning unfathomable horrors to blight the human lands. You will have your sacrifice, and humanity will pay for denying you what you are owed.

Summoning a tide of minions, your army will emerge from the sea to take vengeance on the religious figures who have dared to defy you, and anyone else that stands in your way.

When humanity prayed you were willing to offer them fair winds for their fishing vessels, and they enjoyed the riches and prosperity you provided. They knew the price, but cowardice overtook their faith when the time came to collect. The bishop of your church defied your will, but when the horrors of the deep emerge from the gloom he will beg for the mercy of a swift death.

Command an unruly troop of nightmarish creatures, cultists and horrors from the deep

Control the whole swarm at once, directing it to attack your victims or withdraw to avoid their defenses

Use the terrain to surprise and surround the weak minded to make them lose their minds to fear

Discover cards in a hellish tarot to unlock 16 different units with their own strengths and weaknesses

Hunters, and special bosses alike, will be swept away on your path to vengeance


Thông tin về game

  • Tựa đề: Sea Salt

  • Thể loại:

  • Thẻ:

  • Người phát triển: YCJY Games

  • Nhà xuất bản: Plug In Digital (YCJY Games)

Ngôn ngữ

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Yêu cầu hệ thống

Tối thiểu

  • OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 x86/x64

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3210M (2 * 2500) or equivalent

  • RAM: 4 GB

  • GC: Intel HD 4000

  • HDD: 2 GB

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