Nova Drift

Nova Drift distills the mechanical depth and strategy of an ARPG into classic arcade space combat. Take control of an evolving biomechanical ship and take on legions of enemies in outer space.

Nova Drift

Nova Drift distills the mechanical depth and strategy of an ARPG into classic arcade space combat. Take control of an evolving biomechanical ship and take on legions of enemies in outer space.


  • Create a unique build with every attempt. Games are fast paced, allowing for mastery of the game.
  • Genius and creativity are rewarded as you assemble upgrade modules and gain powerful synergies.
  • Access more than 200 modular upgrades as you progress and grow your arsenal.
  • Play your way. Fire from afar, command an army of drones, recharge, burn your enemies…
  • Unlock a series of challenges that will push your reflexes and skills to the max.
  • Every game is generated randomly, keeping the game alive.

Informacije o igri

  • Naslov: Nova Drift

  • Kategorije:

  • Oznake:

  • Developer: Chimeric

  • Izdavač: Pixeljam (0)


Interfejs Glasovi Prevod

Zahtjevi sistema


  • OS: Windows 7 or higher

  • CPU: 1 Ghz CPU

  • RAM: 2 GB

  • GC:

  • HDD: 250 MB

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