The Game

The Darkside Detective

Grab your trench coat, tune your sixth sense and join the Darkside Division as they investigate the outright bizarre and the downright dangerous cases of Twin Lakes. Flesh-hungry tentacles, mafian zombies and the occasional missing sock...


The Darkside Detective

Where cultists pray, where demons lie, where the occult… do something dark? *ahem* That's where Detective Francis McQueen will be, the lead investigator to the criminally underfunded Darkside Division. When evil knocks on the door of Twin Lakes City – hell, even when it just loiters around shop fronts or hangs out in shady alleyways – he’ll be there, ready to investigate the cases that no one else would.

He is: The Darkside Detective.

The COMPLETE SEASON ONE collection of this multi award-winning comedic serial adventure will have your playing as Detective McQueen and his sidekick, Officer Patrick Dooley, investigating cases plaguing Twin Lakes and its colorful citizens. Point at everything, click around mysterious and creepy locations, and use your wits (or borrow a friend’s) to put these cases to rest!


  • 9 paranormal micro cases to investigate around Twin Lakes City, including an spectacular Christmas Special.
  • Around three jokes.
  • Cutting edge, high definition pixels.
  • One free curse-removal, up to and including mid-level witch hexes.
  • Music from Ben Prunty, the audiomancer behind gems such as Into the Breach, Subnautica, and FTL.

Informace o hře

  • Název: The Darkside Detective

  • Kategorie:

  • Tags:

  • Vývojář: Spooky Doorway

  • Vydavatel: Akupara Games (0)


Rozhraní Hlasy Titulky

Požadavky na systém


  • OS: Windows 10

  • CPU: Pentium 4

  • RAM: 2 GB

  • GC: Intel HD Chipset 3000

  • HDD: 1 GB


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