Brawlhalla Esports Year Seven | Mid Season Championship

29/03/2022 - 11:10

The mid season Brawlhalla 2022 championship has been officially announced and is an in-person invite.

Professional Brawlhalla players worldwide will be invited to a study in Atlanta, Georgia, to compete for a prize total of 150,000 dollars.

The mid-season championship will include:

  • A 1v1 tournament with 70,000 prize dollars where the best 32 players worldwide will compete.
  • A 2v2 tournament with 70,000 prize dollars where the best players from North America, Europe, and South America will participate.
  • A regional face-off team battle with 10,000 prize dollars where the 4 best 1v1 players will compete from North America, Europe, and South America as teams.

If you want to find out more information related to the championship, just enter here.

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