Port is the new free map for Human: Fall Flat

28/08/2023 - 10:00

This paradisiacal archipelago is a port for adventurers seeking endless fun and surprises. Imagine wandering through a quaint little town with secrets around every corner and hidden paths that promise to baffle even the most experienced players.

Assemble your team of 8 players, gather your friends and embark on epic journeys across the open waters, where the essence of teamwork and puzzle solving will be your compass. PORT offers an experience as fresh as the sea breeze, which promises laughter, excitement and memorable moments.

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Οοπς...Δεν έχετε παίξει αυτο το παιχνίδι για περισσότερο από 2 ώρες
TΓια να δημοσιεύσετε την αξιολόγησή σας θα πρέπει να παίξετε για περισσότερο... Τουλάχιστον για 2 ώρες.
