Happy International Women’s Day!

08/03/2022 - 13:06

To commemorate International Women’s Day, the War Thunder team wants to remind you of the importance of paying attention, using kind words, showing love and of course giving flowers to our beautiful and irreplaceable women. Of course, for that reason, they are inviting you to complete your collection of holiday decals in War Thunder!

From 7th March to 9th March at 11:00 GMT the game will take on a pin-up aesthetic, and playing 3 battles in vehicles of Rank III or higher (70% activity in battle) will get you the unique decal “8th March”.

Take a look here and find out the rest of the details.

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Οοπς...Δεν έχετε παίξει αυτο το παιχνίδι για περισσότερο από 2 ώρες
TΓια να δημοσιεύσετε την αξιολόγησή σας θα πρέπει να παίξετε για περισσότερο... Τουλάχιστον για 2 ώρες.
