Zula Europe Pro League - Day 11
13/12/2017 - 12:16
Hello everyone,
By clicking on this link, you can review the league calendar.
IMPORTANT: the times are approximate. We recommend staying alert to play all the games in a row and to give more fluidity to the league.
IMPORTANT: 5 teams have been disqualified from the league: Po[W]eR, DarkS, TR|THESTROKES, KeBaBowcy and eXtreme. We will give default win to all the teams that have to face them. But we will not give points if the match has been played or already has a result.
The matches taking place today will begin at 18:00 (CET).
The matches will be played on the eSports Arena server.
The MOSS Files and the screenshot with the final result should be uploaded here. If the rival team does not show up, you will have to wait for a GM to give you the default victory and upload the screenshot in which the GM confirms the victory.
Check the tutorial to upload the MOSS files and the screenshot with the final result.
Remember to be on the server with time to create the rooms.
We recommend you to read the rules to make the league develop smoothly.
See you on the battlefield!