GTA V is an action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. Set within the fictional state of San Andreas, based on Southern California, the single-player story follows three protagonists, a retired bank robber Michael De Santa, a street gangster Franklin Clinton, and a drug dealer and arms smuggler Trevor Philips. Their efforts to commit heists while under pressure from a corrupt government agency and powerful criminals. The open world design lets players freely roam San Andreas' open countryside and the fictional city of Los Santos, based on Los Angeles.
Grand Theft Auto V can be played in third-person or first-person perspective. Players must complete missions to advance through the story. Alternatively, players can freely explore the open world. In the open world, players may run, swim, jump or use vehicles to roam the world.
Players use melee attacks, firearms and explosives to fight enemies. If a player gets killed he respawns in a hospital. If a player commit crimes, the police responds as indicated by a wanted level. Depending of the level of the wanted stronger law enforcement agents will appear to stop the criminal.