Zula Europe Pro League - Winner
21/12/2017 - 16:27
Hello everyone!
The Zula Europe Pro League Season 1 has come to an end. As you know, yesterday we celebrated the playoffs. All matches were hard-fought, but there can only be one winner. NETopery reached the victory!
The Polish team managed to defeat all their enemies and win the title of champions. eSports Ready BTW was in second position and myRevenge managed to reach the 3rd place.
Throughout these days we will deliver the in-game rewards to all the users to whom it belongs!
The MVP of the league has been: Doxiu (KDA: 3.16)
When it comes to real money prizes, we will talk privately with the relevant users.
Clicking here you will be able to see the raffle of the 3 1337 industries gaming chairs that will be delivered to 1 player of NETopery, 1 of eSports Ready BTW and one of myRevenge. The winners will have to send a private message to Mjölnir with the address to which the chair should be sent.
See you in the next league!