Picture of the Week [29/08/2019 - 05/09/2019]

30/08/2019 - 07:46


Hello everybody,

We bring you a new contest where you will be able to win Zula Gold!

The contest consists in uploading a picture while playing Zula or while watching the Zula Europe Pro League!

You can participate via Twitter using the tag "@ZULAEUROPE" or via Instagram using the tag "@ZULA_EUROPE".

It's mandatory to use the hashtag "#ZULAEUROPE" in your post.

The picture of the week will be chosen by the IDC/Games admins and the winner will get 20.000 Zula Gold + 5 Golden Decks.

The winner will be announced every Thursday.

Winner will be contacted via direct message in Twitter or Instagram.

Take a look to these examples:





In order to make the best picture, we recommend you to use the in-game commands:

IMPORTANT: For the ones which have 0 and 1 options, 0 means closing and 1 means opening.

• /uihud [0/1] - Close all UI elements in the match. If some of the below commands are used and opened, you can close all of them with this command.
• /uichat [0/1] - Close the chat ui in match.
• /uidamage [0/1] - Close the splashed blood in the screen and damage direction when you get hit.
• /uikill [0/1] - Close the kill information showed on right top.
• /uiminimap [0/1] - Close the minimap in match.
• /uiplayer [0/1] - Close left and right bottom information in match (health, ammo, etc.)
• /uirespawn [0/1] - Close the respawn bar in match.
• /uirival [0/1] - Close the rival info (when you get killed) in match.
• /uitopscore [0/1] - Close the scoreboard and time in top middle.
• You can list and see all commands by typing /help or /? in the chat. Page Up and Page Down allows you to check all commands.

Important: images with inappropriate content will not be taken into account and the user will be exposed to a penalty.

Take your best photo!


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To publish a review on this game you need to have played for longer... At least 2 hours.
