
Hearthstone is simple in appearance, but difficult to master. It is, however, wildly entertaining. Enjoy a strategic card game inspired by World of Warcraft in which you will participate in arduous battles.


Hearthstone is an online collectible card game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It’s inspired by the World of Warcraft.

The game presents various heroes, each one of them represents a different class within World of Warcraft like Mage, Rogue… Each hero has different abilities or set hero power levels.

The players start the game with a collection of basic cards, but they can obtain more cards with different rarity and power levels in packs, upon completing missions and as rewards in the Arena. They will also obtain gold when they have completed random missions, which are added daily.

Unlike other card games, Hearthstone doesn’t use an exchange system for cards, but rather it allows players to disenchant cards that don’t interest them to change them into Arcane dust, that can be used to ‘create’ new cards that the player prefers.


게임 정보

  • 제목: Hearthstone

  • 분류:

  • 태그:

  • 개발자: Blizzard Entertainment

  • 출판인: Blizzard Entertainment (0)



시스템 요구 사항


  • OS: Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 10

  • CPU: Intel® Pentium® D or AMD® Athlon™ 64 X2

  • RAM: 3 GB

  • GC: NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600 GT, ATI™ Radeon™ HD 2600XT or superior

  • HDD: 3 GB

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