V 1.19 is here with a lot of new content!

21/03/2018 - 12:00


Hello everybody,

V 1.19 lands on Zula Europe with a lot of new content. Patchnotes:

- The assault rifle AK-47 has been improved. Less recoil and bias and higher mobility.


- New Customization Cards: Redwolf & Hawk Silencers.


- New Customization Cards: Spectre & Viper Silencers, Scopes, Sights, Muzzles, Lasers.


- New Deck: Platinum Assault Deck.
- New Deck: Platinum SMG Deck.
- New Deck: Platinum Sniper Deck.


- New Game Mode: Boss Hunt.


     - Each team has Boss and objective is having more points which can be earned by killing the enemy boss while protecting friendly boss.
     - Each boss kill counts as 1 score. If a boss kills another boss, it counts as 2 scores. The team with more points win.
     - Enemy boss is orange/goldish, friendly boss is blue.
     - Both bosses has an icon above their heads and icons can be seen through walls.

- New Options: Hide Clan Invitations
- New Options: Hide Friend Requests
- New Options: Hide Upgrade Neon, Hide Keychain

- New Weapon: Tommy Gun


- Quick start is now can search for Pistol-Shotgun-Sniper-Assault-Knife matches
- Radio messages can be used more frequently now.
- Random rewards can be earned from Competitive matches
- Settings button has been removed.

- New languages: Greek and Czech (Will be added on Friday 23rd March).


- Fixes:

- Average competitive rank of clan players is now visible in clan menu.
- Average level of clan players is now visible in clan menu.
- Chat is now more readable in the match.
- Clan name is now written in clan invites.
- Competitive rank icon is now visible in user profile.
- Competitive rank is now being displayed in user profile.
- Competitive ranking can be seen in competitive lobby now.
- Countdown for "Waiting for Players" is added.
- Crates which requires key to open can be earned from competitive matches.
- Find Match button is now visible as Ready for players except the captain.
- Fixed a game crash which caused by invites during deck opening.
- Fixed an issue where /uihud 0 command is not hiding Plant Bomb and Defuse Bomb icons in sabotage mode.
- Fixed an issue where Cheytac Camo skin image seems as XM8 Camo image.
- Fixed an issue where next rank is not correct sometimes in user profile.
- Fixed an issue where players can get "nexus too small" error in sabotage maps.
- Fixed an issue where quick start finds a match which blocked later join.
- Fixed game crash caused by selecting Zeynep or Elena in competitive mode.
- Fixed issue where "Info" text is not alligned.
- Fixed issue where a player can play in enemy team in clan matches.
- Fixed issue where being afk can crash the game in competitive lobby.
- Fixed issue where clan is not shown in the list when created.
- Fixed issue where clan logo, name and members are not updated immediately if changed.
- Fixed issue where clan player list is not updated when a player left or join.
- Fixed issue where competitive ranks are not properly being displayed.
- Fixed issue where dead player is not getting exp in Escort mode.
- Fixed issue where Defuse Bomb / Plant Bomb radio messages seems opposite to player.
- Fixed issue where elo progress is not being displayed properly in match result screen.
- Fixed issue where Escort mode is not counted in profile.
- Fixed issue where EXTEND button and text overlapped.
- Fixed issue where Fire Bullet mission is not synced between client and server.
- Fixed issue where Free For All mode can't be created as 30 minutes.
- Fixed issue where game freezes when user wants to exit the match then press ESC.
- Fixed issue where half of Clan button was not clickable on top bottom.
- Fixed issue where hands become empty after throwing C5.
- Fixed issue where invitations received when receive invitation settings is off.
- Fixed issue where kill gives more exp then objective in escort mode.
- Fixed issue where long macro messages overflow from the screen in options menu.
- Fixed issue where mini profile is not updated if Reset Stats used.
- Fixed issue where multiple consecutive friend requests seems like received by same player.
- Fixed issue where Ottoman Slap can be picked from the ground.
- Fixed issue where players can send general message in competitive mode.
- Fixed issue where players cant see all friends in the invitation menu.
- Fixed issue where players may see chat box below the minimap.
- Fixed issue where quick assign (1-2-3-4) buttons is being showed for non-set items.
- Fixed issue where some player may be seen as "Player 0".
- Fixed issue where spectator message goes to all players.
- Fixed issue where spectator see the picked weapon with more bullets.
- Fixed issue where Wanted mode image is above the match result.
- Fixed issue where weapon stats bars are being showed in other items in inventory.
- Fixed issue where Zula Win / Gladyo Win sounds being played incorrectly for spectator.
- Lasers are now shorter and less visible in third person.

See you on the battlefield!

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