Version 1.22i Patchnotes

13/03/2019 - 11:00

New Map: Tehran

The map that you've been waited for, finally arrives in Zula Europe! You will able to enjoy Elimination, Team Deathmatch or Boss Hunt modes in Tehran map. Discover the secret places of Tehran!


New Decks & Cases


Platinum Case: PLATINUM DECKS ARE IN THIS CASE! 1/5 Unit: Platinum Deck, Super Platinum Deck, Royal Guaranteed Platinum Deck, Nightmare Guaranteed Platinum Deck, Mecha Guaranteed Platinum Deck, Skin Guaranteed Platinum Deck, Platinum Assault Deck, Platinum SMG Deck, Platinum Sniper Deck, Raptor Guaranteed Platinum Deck, Platinum Front Attachment Guaranteed Deck, Platinum Pistol Deck, Platinum Cheytac Deck, Platinum AWP Deck, Platinum M468 Deck, Platinum AUG Deck, Platinum Glock 18 Collection Deck, Platinum M4A1 Collection Deck, Platinum AWP Collection Deck, Platinum M468 Collection Deck, Platinum AUG A3 Collection Deck, Platinum Sniper Front Guaranteed Deck, Platinum Assault Front Guaranteed Deck

Platinum Assault Front Attachment Guaranteed Deck: Gives 1 guaranteed assault front attachment card and 4 random cards with Platinum Deck rates.

Platinum Desert Eagle Deck: Gives 5 cards for Desert Eagle in Platinum Deck rates.

St. Patrick's Day Events:


100% probability of upgrade up to +3!
This weekend you will have 100% posibility to upgrade your weapon up to +3. Your upgrades won't fail up to +3! The available weapons for this event are:
MK3, Dual Grenade, Transform, Sticky Bomb, Glock 18, Huntsman, Hunter, P90, Knuck, MPX, M93R, Tec9, MPT-76S, MPT-76, Butterfly, Tommy Gun, Karambit, M902, Khaybar, Fateh, Razor, HK417 Pro, Kar98, UTS15, BORA 12, Cheytac M200, Mateba, MP7, Kriss Vector, UMP45, ARX 160, Famas, M6 LWRC, Double C5, C5, AUG A3, DSR1, TAR21, MK2, MP5, L115A3, Dragunov, Nova, M4 Super 90, Desert Eagle, MP9, FN FAL, AK-47, M468, AWP and M4A1

25% discount on Upgrade Boosters!

To succeed your upgrades this weekend, we have prepared a great discount on the following items:

Chance Increaser +15%
Chance Increaser +30%
Chance Increaser +50%

Loss Reducer 15%
Loss Reducer 30%
Loss Reducer 50%

25% & 10% discount on all Material Packs!

From Friday to Monday, you will get 25% discount on Materials bought with Zula Gold and 10% discount on Materials bought with Zula Points.

Lucky Special Mission:

Earn 10.000 ZP -> AK-47 (3 days) + 100 Materials
Earn 20.000 ZP -> 10000 ZP
Earn 40.000 ZP -> Glock 18 (3 days) + Chance Increaser 30%
Earn 60.000 ZP -> UTS-15 (3 days) + Match Material Bonus +30% (3 days)
Earn 80.000 ZP -> 1000 Materials with 150 Chrome
Earn 100.000 ZP -> 5 Golden Decks
Complete all previous objectives -> 10 units of Super Support Case

We hope you enjoy all changes. Have a nice time on Zula Europe!

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