Let's meet Certainty Dran, the new heroine of Idle Champions!

22/09/2023 - 11:56

Certainty Dran has spent her entire life preparing to take over Acquisitions Incorporated. Years of study and training have honed her business acumen and made her a skilled and creative wielder of magic. Her charismatic presence and unwavering belief that failure is never an option for her makes people want to help her. And when all that isn't enough, Certainty has the tools to get what she wants with ruthless efficiency.

As the apparent heir of Acquisitions Incorporated, she is gifted with knowledge beyond even her father, Omin Dran, and is privileged to have access to the best schools and resources. With a fusion of martial skill, intelligent magic, and unwavering self-confidence, Certainty is undoubtedly an unstoppable force.

She finds out more information about the new Idle Champions heroine by taking a look here.

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