In game commands available!
23/11/2017 - 12:29
Hello everyone,
On this post we give you some useful commands that you will be able to use in game:
IMPORTANT: For the ones which have 0 and 1 options, 0 means closing and 1 means opening.
• /mute [playername] - Allow to mute the player you want.
• /unmute [playername] - Allow to unmute the player you muted.
• /uihud [0/1] - Close all UI elements in the match. If some of the below commands are used and opened, you can close all of them with this command.
• /uichat [0/1] - Close the chat ui in match.
• /uidamage [0/1] - Close the splashed blood in the screen and damage direction when you get hit.
• /uikill [0/1] - Close the kill information showed on right top.
• /uiminimap [0/1] - Close the minimap in match.
• /uiplayer [0/1] - Close left and right bottom information in match (health, ammo, etc.)
• /uirespawn [0/1] - Close the respawn bar in match.
• /uirival [0/1] - Close the rival info (when you get killed) in match.
• /uitopscore [0/1] - Close the scoreboard and time in top middle.
• You can list and see all commands by typing /help or /? in the chat. Page Up and Page Down allows you to check all commands.
See you on the battlefield!