Patchnotes V 1.23g
08/01/2019 - 17:00
Hello everybody,
Take a look to the patchnotes of the V 1.23g:
- New Year lobby decoration will be removed.
- New Customization Series:
Hell Series:
Red Limited Skins:
New Year 2019 Skins:
- New Items:
M6 LWRC Collection Deck: Gives 6 cards for M6 LWRC: Top Attachment, Bottom Attachment, Front Attachment, Skin, Sticker and Accessory.
Hell Guaranteed Deck: Gives 1 guaranteed Hell skin card and 4 random cards.
Limited Red Skin Guaranteed Deck: Gives 1 guaranteed Red Limited skin card and 4 random cards.
Legendary Skin Case: Opening this case you will obtain one of the next skins: Rooster, Poison, Dragon and Lightning for Kar98, BORA-12, Glock-18, Cheytac M200, AWP, Desert Eagle, M468, M4A1 or AUG A3.
See you in the battlefield!