Halo Infinite Season 4 is right around the corner
16/06/2023 - 10:42Halo Infinite Season 4 arrives on June 20 and brings with it the long-awaited Infection mode.
The Academy has been compromised. Iratus has taken control and chaos is about to break loose. Will you succumb or survive?
For context, there was a time when Infection was an unofficial custom game played by the rules of honor in Halo 2, a game that launched on the periphery of 28 Days Later, Dawn of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead and Resident Evil.
The precise origin of this particular game mode is hard to pin down, perhaps even lost to time, but it's certainly a very early example of the kind of impact community creativity has had on Halo.
In its original form, the Red Team were the humans and the Green Team were the Energy Sword-wielding zombies. You would manually switch teams using the pause menu if a zombie killed you to join the infected horde (and hell mend you if you didn’t honor that rule).
If you want to discover more information about what is to come, take a look here.