Life of Fly

Life of Fly features 12 short stories each revolving around the life and weird thoughts of another fly. Be prepared to experience some very unusual content, interesting thoughts that go way beyond the normal life of a fly and entertaining stories.

Life of Fly

Life of Fly features 12 short stories each revolving around the life and thoughts of another fly. It is an interesting yet relaxing narrative flight game like no other.

You jump into the role of a little fly which is collecting it thought while exploring its own living environment.

The most interesting content of the game is on a meta-level where each fly talks about its life, about some things that happened to them, and about some almost philosophical thoughts they had.

Be prepared to experience some very unusual content, some interesting thoughts that go way beyond the normal life of a fly, and some entertaining short stories with a twist.


معلومات اللعبة

  • عنوان: Life of Fly

  • التصنيفات:

  • العلامات:

  • مطور: EpiXR Games

  • الناشر: EpiXR Games (0)


واجهه المستخدمأصواتعناوين فرعية

متطلبات النظام

الحد الأدنى

  • OS: Windows 7

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 (AMD FX 8350) or better

  • RAM: 4 GB

  • GC: NVIDIA GTX 600

  • HDD: 7 GB

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