MARVEL SNAP brings Marvel's Midnight Suns to its universe

MARVEL SNAP brings Marvel's Midnight Suns to its universe

Marvel’s Midnight Suns has announced a collaboration with Second Dinner to add all types of Marvel's Midnight Suns content to the hit card game MARVEL SNAP. Delve into the darkness with a free access reward, a new Abbey location, and 24 new Midnight Suns Variant cards available to collect. Keep reading here to learn more!

Blood Storm هو المحتوى القابل للتنزيل الجديد لـ Marvel's Midnight Suns!

Blood Storm هو المحتوى القابل للتنزيل الجديد لـ Marvel's Midnight Suns!

وسّع مغامرتك مع Storm in Blood Storm ، وهو المحتوى القابل للتنزيل الرابع والأخير بعد الإطلاق لـ Marvel's Midnight Suns. يمكن أن تطلق العاصفة العنان للرياح القوية والهجمات القائمة على البرق ، مما يوفر 10 قدرات بطل فريدة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، استمتع بمهام القصة الجديدة ، وتحديث Abbey الجديد ، وبعض مستحضرات التجميل الجديدة لواحد من أقوى المسوخات على هذا الكوكب!

ينضم Morbius إلى قائمة Marvel's Midnight Suns

ينضم Morbius إلى قائمة Marvel's Midnight Suns

لا تزال مدينة نيويورك مرعوبة من مصاصي الدماء الذين ظهروا في المحتوى القابل للتنزيل The Good و the Bad و Undead ، لذلك يقوم Spider-Man بتجنيد المساعدة من شخص لديه منظور فريد حول المشكلة. كان موربيوس يحاول علاج سلالة مصاص الدماء الخاصة به في المجاري أسفل المدينة ، لكن معمله والمصل الذي كان يعمل فيه تم مصادرته من قبل هيدرا. الآن بعد أن أصبح المحتوى الإضافي الثالث لـ Marvel's Midnight Suns ، The Hunger ، متاحًا ، أصبح مصاص الدماء الحي جاهزًا للانضمام إلى Midnight Suns في قتالهم ضد قوى الشر. اكتشف كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته عن طريق الدخول هنا .

Let's get to know Venom a little more

Let's get to know Venom a little more

Expand your adventure with Venom in Redemption, the second DLC for Marvel's Midnight Suns. Venom joins the squad to crush evildoers and quench his hunger, bringing with him 10 unique hero abilities. Plus, he's enjoying new story missions, a new Abbey update, and some new cosmetics for this brutal anti-hero!

Redemption | Venom DLC Trailer

Redemption | Venom DLC Trailer

He's caused a lot of pain, but this brutal anti-hero is ripe for redemption. With fangs bared and tongue twitching in ravenous anticipation, the time has come to unleash the power of the symbiote when Venom joins the Midnight Suns on February 23! Expand your adventure with Venom in Redemption, the second DLC for Marvel's Midnight Suns. Venom joins the roster to eat the evildoers and feed his insatiable hunger, bringing with him 10 unique hero abilities of his own. In addition, he enjoys new story missions, a new Abbey update, and various cosmetics for this brutal anti-hero!

Now you can add Deadpool to your roster!

Now you can add Deadpool to your roster!

  You may have your roster ready for Tactical Missions by now, but have you thought about the advantages the mercenary Deadpool could bring to the battlefield, along with his katana, grenades, healing, and of course, chimichanga? The first DLC for Marvel's Midnight Suns is now available to add Deadpool to the roster along with a delicious Food Truck upgrade for the Abbey. More information here.

The Good, The Bad, and The Undead

The Good, The Bad, and The Undead

Join Deadpool on his adventure with the Midnight Suns on January 26! Expand your adventure with Deadpool in The Good, The Bad, and The Undead, the first DLC for Marvel's Midnight Suns. Deadpool joins the team as a DPS who has 10 unique hero abilities. Plus, enjoy new story missions, a tasty new Abbey update, and some fancy cosmetics for our favorite mercenary!

Welcome to the Abbey | Official Trailer

Welcome to the Abbey | Official Trailer

Each day in Marvel's Midnight Suns begins at the Abbey, a relocated Transian fortress that has lain hidden in a pocket dimension on the cliffs of Salem, Massachusetts, for hundreds of years. The Abbey serves as the Midnight Suns' headquarters and base of operations for strategic decision-making outside of combat. Different rooms in the Abbey allow you to use the rewards you get, such as studying artifact containers, analyzing gamma coils, and deciphering information. These rewards help you prepare the Midnight Suns for future tactical missions by crafting new items and upgrading abilities. The Abbey is also the place where you can interact with the RPG mechanics and build friendships with the other heroes. Now it's time to enjoy the trailer:

Rise up with the Midnight Suns!

Rise up with the Midnight Suns!

With the release of Marvel's Midnight Suns tomorrow, December 2, members of the Firaxis development team have taken time out of their busy schedules to appear in a series of live streams. The card-based combat during tactical missions provided great opportunities to see heroes like Blade, Magik, Wolverine, and more showing off their skills on the battlefield and learn more about the many activities that can be enjoyed in the game. So that you can continue enjoying, here you have the latest broadcast of the game:

The official launch trailer is now available

The official launch trailer is now available

Debuting today on Marvel's Midnight Suns Livestream, this action-packed trailer shows the devastating effects of Lilith's takeover of the Sanctum Santorum, unleashing the forces of the underworld on Earth. Only the full power of the Hunter and the Midnight Suns stand a fighting chance to save the world!

Don't miss Nico TV, the latest prequel short!

Don't miss Nico TV, the latest prequel short!

Moving to a new place and making friends can be very difficult, even for an all-powerful witch like Nico Minoru, whose magical abilities make her an incredible support character during the tactical missions of Marvel's Midnight Suns. After being recruited by Caretaker months before the start of the game, 20-year-old Nico was eager to befriend her new teammates. Check out the Nico TV prequel short to see how she fared with Magik, Blade, Ghost Rider and Scarlet Witch!

The Daywalker | 4th Prequel Short

The Daywalker | 4th Prequel Short

Eric Brooks, better known as Blade to his friends and enemies, is a half-human, half-vampire hybrid. He has the same superhuman strength, stamina, and senses as the vampires he spends his life hunting, but he doesn't share his vulnerability to sunlight. In Marvel's Midnight Suns, Blade trains other heroes for combat in the Yard outside the Abbey, and is a powerful damage-dealer during Tactical Missions. In the latest prequel short, we get to see how Blade deals with vampires, as well as how Caretaker recruited him to the Midnight Suns:

Live Among Legends | New Developer Livestream

Live Among Legends | New Developer Livestream

During a recent livestream, members of the Firaxis development team played through three very different tactical missions with card-based combat and shared a first look at some of the activities we'll be able to enjoy in Marvel's Midnight Suns when we're not battling the demonic forces of Lilith. Creative Director Jake Solomon, Senior Franchise Producer Garth DeAngelis, and Senior Producer Rachel Sima covered many features that haven't been discussed before, so sit back and enjoy the full stream below:

Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels

Robbie Reyes is a mechanic who has the ability to transform into a Ghost Rider after being possessed by the Spirit of Vengeance. As the primary caretaker for his disabled younger brother, Robbie hadn't met many other Super Heroes or spent much time away from home before joining the Midnight Suns. Today we finally get to see a high-level introduction and find out how he was recruited to the team in Marvel's latest Midnight Suns prequel short. More info here.

A New Sun Must Rise | Second Prequel Short

A New Sun Must Rise | Second Prequel Short

In the first short of the prequel, we were able to discover the tragic events surrounding the birth of the game's protagonist, the Hunter. Today we can already enjoy the second short of the prequel in which Magik enters into combat with her Soulsword, in addition to his powerful abilities, against the Heartless enemies and ends up being recruited by the Midnight Suns thanks to Scarlet Witch. Here you will find more details, but first, enjoy the video.

Let's get to know Ghost Rider a little more

Let's get to know Ghost Rider a little more

Robbie Reyes grew up in a lively but under-resourced neighborhood in East Los Angeles. The triumphs and challenges he experienced helped him develop a strong sense of his priorities: family, friends and custom hot rods. Foremost in the "family" category will always be his disabled brother, Gabe, whom Robbie helped raise; however, his other priorities were forced to change when Robbie became possessed by the Spirit of Vengeance. Many young people have been hosts to this hell-fueled alter ego; Robbie is the last and, at the same time, he won't be the last. When the Spirit takes over, Robbie transforms into Ghost Rider and becomes obsessed with punishing the wicked and inflicting brutal justice on those who do evil. His actions as Ghost Rider often leave Robbie confused and conflicted about the darkness within him and the price of being a hero. One thing he never complains about, though, is driving Ghost Rider's vehicle: an upgraded muscle car appropriately named Hellride. More information here.

Salem Sisters | First short of the Marvel's Midnight Suns Prequel

Salem Sisters | First short of the Marvel's Midnight Suns Prequel

There are only a few weeks left until the launch of Marvel's Midnight Suns, which will take place on December 2. So, if you haven't done it yet, it's a good time to start familiarizing yourself with some of the game's key characters and their respective stories. You may have already read about heroes like Ghost Rider, Nico Minoru, and Doctor Strange in the Marvel's Midnight Suns Game Guide, but today's story is brand new. The comics versions of Caretaker and Lilith differ markedly from those in Marvel's Midnight Suns. In the game, they are sisters and the last representatives of the mysterious Blood. For thousands of years, the Blood protected the world from the most fearsome primal threats. Until Lilith made a fateful decision that made her the Mother of Demons, a warrior at the service of the greatest enemy the Blood has ever faced. Salem Sisters is the first of five planned Prequel Shorts that explain how and why the heroes of the Midnight Suns band together to oppose Lilith, so let's go with it:

Know all the details about the Season Pass!

Know all the details about the Season Pass!

When Marvel's Midnight Suns releases on December 2nd and you take control of Hunter, you'll be glad to have powerful heroes like Ghost Rider, Blade, Captain Marvel, and Magik among your allies. Without them fighting by your side, Lilith's plan to summon her evil master Chthon would have a very good chance of success, spelling disaster for mankind. That's why today they announced that the Marvel's Midnight Suns Season Pass, which is available for individual purchase and included as part of the Legendary Edition, will add even more allies to your team. The Season Pass features Deadpool, Venom, Morbius, and Storm in four post-launch DLC packs, releasing throughout 2023. Learn more here.

Let's get to know Sister Grimm a little more

Let's get to know Sister Grimm a little more

Nico Minoru grew up in a powerful Japanese-American charity family...or so she thought. In reality, to Nico's horror, her parents were powerful wizards and members of an evil organization called the Pride. After seeing them murder a girl, Nico allied himself with Pride's other teenage sons, disowned her parents, and ran away from home. The depths of her parents' corruption were revealed when Nico tried to rescue a friend captured by Pride and her own mother tried to kill her by stabbing her with a magical staff. Instead of being injured, however, Nico's body absorbed the weapon, wresting control from her mother as the teen's own affinity for dark magic was revealed for the first time. She is now a witch with nearly limitless powers... except her magic can be chaotic and unpredictable. Her powers bend to her will, preventing her from hurting an ally or healing an enemy, but accuracy can be a challenge. More information here.

Don't miss the latest stream of Marvel's Midnight Suns

Don't miss the latest stream of Marvel's Midnight Suns

During a recent livestream, Creative Director Jake Solomon, Senior Franchise Producer Garth DeAngelis, and Senior Producer Rachel Sima of Firaxis played out two tactical missions from Marvel's Midnight Suns. When they weren't worried about defeating the Hydra soldiers and Lilith's demonic forces, they shared information about the Midnight Suns hero roster, unlockable difficulty modes, and more. If you want, you can see an archive of the entire live broadcast below:


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