Universul The Walking Dead invadează UEFN și Fortnite Creative

Universul The Walking Dead invadează UEFN și Fortnite Creative

Universul Walking Dead preia UEFN și Fortnite Creative, introducând locații iconice și provocări captivante inspirate de legendarul serial cu zombi. Jucătorii pot explora hărți tematice, lupta pentru supraviețuire și retrăi momente cheie din apocalipsă. Între timp, Fortnite Battle Royale rămâne confruntarea supremă PvP pentru 100 de jucători. O hartă imensă, celebrul Battle Bus și un singur scop: să fii ultimul rămas în picioare. Ești pregătit să te bați atât cu nemuritorii, cât și cu adversarii tăi?

Evenimentul Care A Început Totul – Fortnite OG Sezonul 3 Lansează Astăzi

Evenimentul Care A Început Totul – Fortnite OG Sezonul 3 Lansează Astăzi

Fortnite OG îi duce pe jucători înapoi în Capitolul 1, Sezonul 3! Retrăiește unul dintre cele mai iconice momente din istoria Fortnite deoarece meteoritul s-a întors. De asemenea, se întoarce Lucky Landing, o piscină de loote plină, și un nou OG Pass plin de surprize. Fii cu ochii pe cer… istoria se repetă. Ești pregătit pentru haos?

Fortnite Party Up – Raid de Primăvară deblochează Outfit-ul Dupli-Kate

Fortnite Party Up – Raid de Primăvară deblochează Outfit-ul Dupli-Kate

Bine ai venit la Fortnite Party Up – Raid de Primăvară, unde poți explora experiențe Fortnite alături de prieteni și debloca recompense exclusive în Locker. Dar doar puterea prieteniei îți va oferi premiul suprem: Outfit-ul Dupli-Kate, o adevărată armată de o singură femeie. Strânge-ți echipa și pregătește-te pentru acțiune! Nu rata niciun detaliu accesând aici.

Festivalul Fortnite adaugă o melodie epică de la DragonForce

Festivalul Fortnite adaugă o melodie epică de la DragonForce

Participă la petrecerea Spring Raid și finalizează prima quest pentru a debloca legendarul "Through the Fire and Flames" Jam Track de la DragonForce—GRATIS! Simte adrenalina și du-ți jocul de ritm la următorul nivel în Fortnite Festival!

Dezlănțuie haosul în Chaos Raid, roguelike-ul dinamic al lui Spark

Dezlănțuie haosul în Chaos Raid, roguelike-ul dinamic al lui Spark

Pregătește-te pentru o provocare intensă în Chaos Raid, cel mai recent roguelike de la Spark, care îți va pune abilitățile la încercare. Înfruntă roiuri necruțătoare de Agenți Umbra și Raiders, deblochează îmbunătățiri puternice și echipează-te cu arme mortale pentru a-ți croi calea spre victorie. Numai cei mai pricepuți vor înfrunta Turnul Haosului și vor perfecționa runda lor. Ai ceea ce îți trebuie pentru a supraviețui haosului?

Modul LTM The Getaway s-a întors: Acțiune de mare risc în Fortnite

Modul LTM The Getaway s-a întors: Acțiune de mare risc în Fortnite

Modul Getaway Limited Time revine triumfător în actualizarea v34.10 a Fortnite. În acest mod de intensitate ridicată, jucătorii trebuie să secureze unul dintre cele patru Llamas Cristale și să-l extragă folosind un Getaway Van pentru a obține victoria. Numai primele trei echipe care ajung cu succes la o furgonetă vor câștiga, dar dacă preferi o abordare mai nemiloasă, poți elimina toți adversarii în stilul adevărat al Battle Royale și lua victoria cu forța. Pregătește-te să strategizezi, să te bați și să îți faci marea evadare!

Fortnite x Shohei Ohtani: Ridică-te și Domină

Fortnite x Shohei Ohtani: Ridică-te și Domină

Diamantul de baseball întâlnește câmpul de luptă Fortnite în o colaborare strălucitoare. Shohei Ohtani pătrunde în joc cu un stil de neoprit, pregătit să-și demonstreze măreția atât pe teren cât și în afara lui. Ești pregătit să strălucești? Sho up and Sho out.

Tasty Bois intensifică atmosfera cu Runamok

Tasty Bois intensifică atmosfera cu Runamok

Lucrurile sunt pe cale să devină sălbatice, deoarece Big Dill lansează Runamok, cu The Brat, sub numele de Tasty Bois. Această colaborare electrizantă oferă bătăi puternice și o energie irezistibilă, garantând că fanii vor fi entuziasmați. Pregătește-te pentru un asalt sonor plin de atitudine și un stil inconfundabil care duce experiența la maximum.

Spike Spiegel și Faye Valentine se alătură Fortnite

Spike Spiegel și Faye Valentine se alătură Fortnite

Legendarii Spike Spiegel și Faye Valentine își fac debutul în Fortnite Item Shop. Completează misiuni speciale începând cu 27 februarie pentru a debloca ecranul de încărcare Bebop Legends.

După Lătrăt: Pachetul preia Fortnite

După Lătrăt: Pachetul preia Fortnite

Pachetul Best in Show Bundle este acum disponibil în magazin. Pregătește-te să dezlănțui un haos canin pe insulă!

Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 2 – LAWLESS

Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 2 – LAWLESS

Big Dill just dropped his newest single, and what better way to celebrate than with the C6S2 launch trailer featuring Runamok! Ransack Fletcher Kane’s banks, pull off a train heist, and make an explosive getaway in Chapter 6 Season 2: LAWLESS, starting February 21. Are you ready to embrace the outlaw life?  

Adidași Au Sosito în Fortnite!

Adidași Au Sosito în Fortnite!

Stilul și viteza se reunesc în Fortnite cu sosirea adidașilor Adidas. Pregătește-te să alergi, să sari și să ieși în evidență cu acest nou conținut care aduce o notă de modă sportivă pe câmpul de luptă. Echipează-te cu cea mai bună încălțăminte și arată-ți stilul pe insulă!

Ryomen Sukuna își dezvăluie puterea blestemată în Fortnite

Ryomen Sukuna își dezvăluie puterea blestemată în Fortnite

Regele Blestemelor, Ryomen Sukuna, a sosit în Fortnite, pregătit să facă ravagii pe insulă. Jucătorii pot acum să preia rolul acestui personaj temut și să aducă energia sa blestemată în luptă. Alături de el se află spiritul blestemat Mahito și mortalul asasin Toji Fushiguro, completând un lineup iconic din Jujutsu Kaisen. Prin această nouă colaborare, Epic Games continuă să expandeze universul Fortnite, oferind fanilor ocazia de a juca cu unii dintre cei mai puternici personaje din anime. Pregătește-te să blestemi competiția și să domini câmpul de luptă cu noile skinuri!

Fortnite x Kaiju No.8

Fortnite x Kaiju No.8

Colaborarea care zguduie lumea este aici! Fortnite x Kaiju No.8 aduce acțiune epică și puterea monstruoasă pe câmpul de bătălie. Poți dezlănțui FORTITUDE 9.8 și să te ridici la provocare ca un adevărat erou? Nu rata acest crossover colosal care urmează să schimbe Fortnite pentru totdeauna. Puterea Kaiju te așteaptă!

Devino Godzilla în Fortnite Battle Royale!

Devino Godzilla în Fortnite Battle Royale!

Fii atent! Ceva masiv se pregătește să apară. Godzilla și Kong pășesc în Fortnite Battle Royale cu v33.20. Completează misiunile Battle Pass pentru a debloca Outfit-ul Godzilla Evoluat și eliberează distrugerea pe Insulă devenind micul Godzilla! Începând cu 17 ianuarie, un portal special poate apărea pe harta Battle Royale. Primul jucător care îl găsește și intră în el va ieși ca titanul colosal, Godzilla. Ca Godzilla, câștigi abilități unice, inclusiv: Răget: dezvăluie jucătorii din apropiere. Atac de Pășire Puternică: trimite inamicii în aer. Rază de Căldură: distruge jucătorii și structurile cu o putere devastatoare. Numai un jucător poate deveni Godzilla pe meci! Este responsabilitatea celorlalți să îl doboare. Vizează punctele slabe ale lui Godzilla pentru a provoca daune suplimentare și colectează Fragmentele Godzilla, care restabilesc 40 de Sănătate și oferă 3 încărcări de dash. Echipează-te cu Pistolul de Cale pentru un putere de foc suplimentară și folosește Bula de Scut pentru a rămâne protejat în timpul luptei. Vei domni ca Regele Monștrilor? Mai multe informații aici.

Hatsune Miku: Sezonul Festivalului 7 - Icon

Hatsune Miku: Sezonul Festivalului 7 - Icon

Mikufanii, e timpul să străluciți! Legenda virtuală Hatsune Miku (初音ミク), renumită pentru sunetele sale futuriste și stilul vibrant, este vedeta principală în Fortnite ca Icon oficial pentru Sezonul Festivalului 7. Visează-te în estetica și muzica uluitoare a unui dintre cei mai mari artiști virtuali din lume și sărbătorește prezența ei ca punctul culminant al acestui sezon nou și palpitant. Pregătește-ți betele luminoase și alătură-te petrecerii în Fortnite Festival cu Hatsune Miku conducând atacul. Nu rata ocazia!

În curând: Multiplayer local ajunge în Festivalul Fortnite

În curând: Multiplayer local ajunge în Festivalul Fortnite

Reunește-ți echipa! Începând cu 14 ianuarie, Sezonul 7 al Festivalului Fortnite introduce o funcție palpitantă de multiplayer local pentru Xbox și PlayStation. Acum tu și până la trei prieteni puteți juca împreună în Scena Principală a Festivalului, împărtășind aceeași consolă pentru o experiență co-op de neuitat. Pregătește-te să aduci petrecerea în sufrageria ta și să te bucuri de gaming pe canapea la un alt nivel ca niciodată!  

Deschide-ți cadourile în Fortnite cu Mariah Carey!

Deschide-ți cadourile în Fortnite cu Mariah Carey!

Winterfest s-a întors, iar Mariah Carey însăși este aici pentru a da startul sărbătorii în Fortnite Battle Royale! Deschide zilnic cadouri gratuite, participă la misiuni Winterfest și explorează o actualizare a hărții acoperite de zăpadă! Verifică noile articole, inclusiv Granada Blizzard, dezlănțuie un întreg Arsenal Arctic și îmbracă-ți personajul în unele Costume de Crăciun! Winterfest este activ acum și va dura până pe 7 ianuarie 2025. Mai multe detalii aici.

Fortnite x Lionel Messi: Live the legend

Fortnite x Lionel Messi: Live the legend

Experience the greatness of Lionel Messi in Fortnite's latest collaboration, featuring exclusive skins and items that embody the football legend’s prowess on the pitch. Live the legend!

Fortnite Ballistic: The New Tactical FPS Experience Begins

Fortnite Ballistic: The New Tactical FPS Experience Begins

Light the fuse! Fortnite Ballistic is here to deliver an unprecedented first-person tactical experience. This new 5v5 round-based competitive mode combines strategy, teamwork, and individual skill in an adrenaline-fueled game. Launching in early access on December 11, Ballistic includes Ranked and Unranked modes. Get ready to redefine your Fortnite gameplay with this groundbreaking tactical experience. Are you ready to take on the challenge?

Fortnite Festival First Anniversary Celebration with Full Access Weekend

Fortnite Festival First Anniversary Celebration with Full Access Weekend

Fortnite Festival marks its first anniversary with an exciting celebration. From December 13 to 16, enjoy over 280 improvisation tracks on the main and battle stages for free during the Full Access Weekend. Four festival idols return with new music-reactive outfits and platinum idol bundles. Don't miss out! More info here.

LEGO® Fortnite: Build Your Dream Life in Brick Life

LEGO® Fortnite: Build Your Dream Life in Brick Life

Welcome to LEGO® Fortnite Brick Life! Dive into a vibrant city, make friends, explore landmarks, and create your ideal lifestyle. Launching December 12, this new social roleplay mode in the LEGO Fortnite universe brings creative freedom and fun to players. Ready to start building? Discover all the details by entering here.

LEGO® Fortnite Becomes LEGO Fortnite Odyssey with the Storm Chasers Update!

LEGO® Fortnite Becomes LEGO Fortnite Odyssey with the Storm Chasers Update!

The world of LEGO® Fortnite is expanding with a major update, marking the next chapter in its journey. Now officially named LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, this new title introduces a fresh category within Fortnite's Discover tab. Players can now explore both LEGO Fortnite Odyssey islands and additional creator-made LEGO islands. Celebrate the evolution of LEGO Fortnite and dive into new experiences with this exciting transformation. More information here.

Fortnite introduces Ballistic: the new 5v5 tactical FPS

Fortnite introduces Ballistic: the new 5v5 tactical FPS

Starting December 11, Ballistic enters Fortnite in early access, bringing a 5v5 first-person shooter experience. This competitive mode, featuring Ranked and no Rank, will test players’ tactical strategy, teamwork, and individual skills for victory in every round. Early access includes the Skyline 10 map and a limited set of weapons and items, with future updates adding new features based on player feedback. Discover everything here.

Face Demons and Rise as a Legend in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1!

Face Demons and Rise as a Legend in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1!

Fortnite transports you to a world shrouded in mystery in Chapter 6 Season 1: 鬼 Hunters (Demon Hunters). Explore an island teeming with mystical energy, where masked demons with chaotic power threaten destruction. Become a ronin to slice through the shadows and restore the light. Discover new locations like Seaport City and Canyon Crossing, take advantage of innovative mechanics, and unlock epic Battle Pass rewards. Step into this adventure and master the secrets of chaos! More information here.

Juice WRLD comes to Fortnite with new music and cosmetics!

Juice WRLD comes to Fortnite with new music and cosmetics!

The rap legend, Juice WRLD, has made his way to Fortnite! Players can now dive into a fresh experience within the game, featuring new gameplay mechanics, exclusive cosmetics, and best of all: new music! Get ready for a one-of-a-kind event celebrating the legacy of this incredibly talented artist.

Vote for Your Favorite Fortnite Island in The Game Awards!

Vote for Your Favorite Fortnite Island in The Game Awards!

The time to decide has come! Fortnite has updated its The Game Awards Vote in Fortnite Island, and now you can choose your favorite creator island of the year. In this new edition, you’ll find several islands nominated for the 2024 edition’s award, and you can explore them to decide which one to vote for. Additionally, this year a new arena has been added where you can showcase your skills and, as a special feature, greet Geoff Keighley, the host of The Game Awards. Thanks to MetaHuman technology, you’ll be able to interact with him in the island’s digital world. To join the island, simply search for The Game Awards Voting Island in Fortnite or use the island code 0853-1358-8532. The voting will be open until December 12, and the winner will be revealed the following day. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this unique event and encourage your friends to vote for their favorite island! More information here.

The Porsche 911 GT3 RS is coming to Fortnite

The Porsche 911 GT3 RS is coming to Fortnite

The biggest challenge is to remain unbeatable. The Porsche 911 GT3 RS is waiting for you in Fortnite!

Enter the Turtle-verse!

Enter the Turtle-verse!

Welcome to a new era of the Turtles! You can now enter these worlds with the island codes you need to experience adventures in the Turtle-verse.

TMNT: Dimensions

TMNT: Dimensions

Round up the crew and head into the sewers in TMNT DIMENSIONS [ROGUELIKE] by Spiral House. Island Code: 8651-4809-2485.

Ice Spice is coming to Fortnite!

Ice Spice is coming to Fortnite!

Take the crown with Ice Spice in Chapter 2 Remix with a remixed POI, weapons, and a full cosmetic set. Ice Spice has claim to Shark Island, now called Ice Island with fancy décor for only the baddest. Find Ice, defeat her, and she'll join your team.

FNCS is back in 2025!

FNCS is back in 2025!

If you’ve been honing your skills during this year’s Fortnite competitive period, that’s perfect because 2025 is fast approaching and it’s time to check out an exciting FNCS season… featuring trios! The winners of the FNCS Global Championship Peterbot and Pollo will wield the new Champion’s Blade, and will be the first players to be able to do so. Replacing the Champion’s Axe, this pickaxe will be wielded by this year’s top competitors in Fortnite, so only an elite few will be able to enjoy this prestigious item. Each season, the Champion’s Blade will be passed down to the victorious trios of the following Major. Peterbot and Pollo will wield the blade from November through the end of Major 1. Afterwards, the battle for the Blade (as well as the title of FNCS Champion) will continue throughout the year! Learn more here.

Eminem Takes Over Fortnite

Eminem Takes Over Fortnite

Guess who's back? Eminem returns to Fortnite with a remixed POI, weapon, and all-new items for his set. In addition to the in-game content, the Shop also reintroduces Eminem with all-new items added to the Eminem Set.

Remix: The Prelude

Remix: The Prelude

On November 1, 2024, Fortnite hosted a show featuring Snoop Dogg and Ice Spice to showcase a live music experience unlike any other in New York City.

Remix | Fortnite Chapter 2

Remix | Fortnite Chapter 2

The island you knew is back, remixed and reimagined, with weekly locations and loot inspired by the original gameplay of Chapter 2 and some of the greatest music icons of all time. In this temporary reboot, Snoop D-O-Double G leads The Agency, rap god Eminem has set up shop in The Grotto, hip-hop princess Ice Spice has taken over Shark Island, and the remix reaches its peak with a celebration honoring the legendary Juice WRLD. Press play, turn up the volume, and open the chamber in Fortnite Chapter 2 Battle Royale: Remix! Learn more here.

Snoop Dogg is coming to Fortnite Festival

Snoop Dogg is coming to Fortnite Festival

With over 35 million albums sold internationally, Snoop Dogg is one of the biggest rap and hip-hop artists in the world, and now he's the new Fortnite Festival Season 6 Idol. Find out all the details here.

Fortnitemares 2024 looms over Fortnite

Fortnitemares 2024 looms over Fortnite

Trick or RETREAT. The seasonal event Fortnitemares returns on October 11th!



Your world, your rules! Venture into the cold and make allies or formidable foes, uncover hidden secrets in the Forbidden Zone, fight bosses, and more in Mercenaries (Survival MMO). Check the presentation video and get the Island Code below.

Day of Doom | New Fortnite x Marvel LTM

Day of Doom | New Fortnite x Marvel LTM

Join the ultimate battle between good and evil in the new Fortnite x Marvel LTM: Day of Doom! Up to 32 players can participate at once. You'll either be assigned Doom’s Henchmen or Allies of the Avengers. For Doom’s Henchmen the goal is to collect all six Arcane Artifacts. Once you’ve collected them, your adversaries will no longer be able to respawn. Eliminate every hero and you’ll emerge victorious! As for Avengers, your goal is to take down Doom’s forces before they collect the Artifacts. But be careful, Doom’s Henchmen have a large number of respawns altogether. Day of Doom will be active until October 4. You can find all the details here.

Marvel's Doctor Doom invades the Fortnite Battle Pass

Marvel's Doctor Doom invades the Fortnite Battle Pass

Marvel's Doctor Doom, the tyrannical ruler of Latveria, is marching forward in his relentless campaign for power in Fortnite! Complete Doom’s Quests in Battle Royale starting now to unlock wicked wares like The Doctor Is In Spray and Doom’s Power Emoticon. Players with the Absolute Doom Battle Pass will unlock extra rewards from the same Quests, including the Doom Outfit and Doomblade Pickaxe. But be careful while on the Battle Royale Island, as you might encounter Doctor Doom himself! From now until October 5, there’s a small chance for the Isle of Doom to appear in place of Loot Island. Don´t miss it! To see more details, just click here.

Karol G comes to Fortnite with Festival Season 5

Karol G comes to Fortnite with Festival Season 5

Put your hands together for the next Festival Icon! Fresh off her historic stadium world tour, award winner and pop culture powerhouse Karol G brings her Latin sounds to the world of Fortnite in Festival Season 5. Unlock Karol G Instruments and a Karol G Outfit in the Festival Pass’ Premium Reward Track, and combat the darkness in a playable concert experience featuring your Festival crew and a special guest list of familiar Fortnite characters. Season 5 kicks off August 16 and ends November 2, 2024! To see all the Bichota related content, dates and details on the Season 5 Festival Pass, just click here.

Chapter 5 Season 4 - Absolute Doom | Official Season Trailer

Chapter 5 Season 4 - Absolute Doom | Official Season Trailer

Suit up for Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom and become a Marvel legend! Become the heroes first on the scene to defend against Marvel’s Doctor Doom and his forces or take up the mantle of villainy and join the reign of Doom. Luckily, there´s some brand new heavy munitions to take on a worthy adversary. Go head-to-head with new items like Dual Micro SMGs, Captain America’s Shield, or War Machine’s Arsenal. Soon you can get the Absolute Doom Battle Pass and unlock rewards including super Outfits. And here´s the Official Season Trailer:

Watch LIVE Disney Reveals from D23 in Fortnite on August 10!

Watch LIVE Disney Reveals from D23 in Fortnite on August 10!

Celebrate the magic of D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event! This year includes Fortnite | Disney reveals live from the Horizons: Disney Experiences Showcase, streaming exclusively in Fortnite. Jump into Disney Horizons Live from D23 on August 10 to catch new Fortnite reveals presented live from Josh D'Amaro and a few special guests.  Discover all the details on the stream here.

Fall Guys is bumping into Fortnite!

Fall Guys is bumping into Fortnite!

The new crossover event “Where We Fallin’” starts now. Find a golden Bean Idol, take on the floating obstacle course in the sky, and bring back loot to help you get a Victory Royale. There’s a lot to unpack here — so without further ado, let’s fall in!  Where We Fallin’ is live now until v31.00 on August 15. Discover everything you need to know here and watch the Launch Trailer below!

Fortnite x Pirates of the Caribbean

Fortnite x Pirates of the Caribbean

Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean has raised the cursed sails and docked into Fortnite as part of the Battle Royale v30.20 July 19 hotfix (“Cursed Sails”). Cast off with the ghostly Ship in a Bottle, explore Shipwreck Shallows, and hunt for buried treasure. Cursed Sails runs until August 6. Discover everything you need to know here.

Get ready to Reload!

Get ready to Reload!

New map. New mode. Reload is here, a new Battle Royale mode full of action, weapons, locations and classic style for you and your squad. As long as someone on the team is still standing, all of their teammates will keep respawning. Reload is a 40-player experience on a smaller map with known locations. If they eliminate the entire team, it's game over! It doesn't matter if you prefer Battle Royale or Zero Build: the last squad standing will win. More information here.

Metallica comes to Fortnite to destroy everything

Metallica comes to Fortnite to destroy everything

Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Metallica is blowing up Fortnite with update 30.10, meaning you'll be able to enjoy a new immersive music experience on June 22 and there will be a Metallica Festival season starting on June 13. A point of interest will also appear in Battle Royale based on the M72 World Tour and a Rocket Racing circuit to take the curves to the rhythm of metal. Discover everything you need to know by entering here.

Nick EH 30 joins the Idol Series

Nick EH 30 joins the Idol Series

Get ready to press W, because famous content creator Nick Eh 30 joins the Idol Series. To pay tribute to this friendly streamer, the items from the new Nick Eh 30 set will arrive in the store on June 16. This set includes the Nick Eh 30 Outfit, Eh Crown Pickaxe, and Never Back Down Back Bling. Never give up! Compete in the Eh 30 Nick Idol Cup today, June 12, for a chance to unlock these three items early. More information here.

Destroy everything in Chapter 5 of Season 3!

Destroy everything in Chapter 5 of Season 3!

The wasteland... There are as many possibilities as there are grains of sand. So many that the "Wasteland Warriors" do not want to give up control. This gang of raiders gives a whole new meaning to pillaging on wheels, as they are experts in automobiles and will ride over any rebellion. Get behind the wheel and take the Nitro to these automotive villains in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked! More information here.

Don't miss the preview of Billie Eilish's next song

Don't miss the preview of Billie Eilish's next song

After hitting the stage as the idol of season 3 of Fortnite Festival, Billie Eilish continues to give it her all and makes available to players a preview of "CHIHIRO", her next song. This trailer marks its premiere on the Fortnite Festival YouTube channel. To celebrate, you already have the next Billie Eilish outfit in the store. More information here.

Billie Eilish arrives with Season 3 of Fortnite Festival

Billie Eilish arrives with Season 3 of Fortnite Festival

Now that you've seen her with a crown, it's your turn to see her in Fortnite. Award-winning artist Billie Eilish is the icon of Fortnite Festival Season 3. Season 3 has already started playing today and will end on June 13, 2024. While it lasts, don't miss a beat to unlock new instruments, jam tracks, and other items with the Season 3 Festival Pass. Learn more here.

Use the techniques from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Use the techniques from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Mastering water, earth, fire and air is as impressive as Olympic powers. Elements starts now and will bring new techniques to control the elements from the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender to Fortnite. This event will be available until May 3, 2024. More information here.

Korra comes to Fortnite!

Korra comes to Fortnite!

Korra comes to Fortnite to show off her water mastery! Complete Korra's missions from the Mythos and Mortal Battle Pass to unlock her costume and accessories. These missions can be completed in Fortnite Battle Royale. Discover all the information here!

Discover all the information about the FNCS Global Championship 2024

Discover all the information about the FNCS Global Championship 2024

Mark September 7th and 8th on your calendars. The culmination of the frenetic action of the 2024 FNCS will take place at the Dickies Arena in Fort Worth, Texas, in the United States. At the first FNCS Global Championship last year, we saw the world's best duos compete in Copenhagen, Denmark, and now we can do it again in September to celebrate the best of Fortnite's Competitive mode. In the 2024 edition, 50 of the best duos in Fortnite's Competitive mode will compete for a share of the $2,002,000 in prizes and have their names entered into the history books. More information here.

Prepare to face the Rise of Midas

Prepare to face the Rise of Midas

Midas, a mastermind with the golden touch. In fact, that mastermind has allowed him to escape from a cage in The Underworld. But now that he has escaped, good old Hades is unleashed... In Midas Rise of Battle Royale, you will have to help Midas escape from the island with special missions, you will be able to feel the summer heat with the return of Floor is Lava and get gold by participating in the Rise of Midas Cup. This mode will be available until April 2, 2024. More information here.

Chapter 5 Season 2 has begun!

Chapter 5 Season 2 has begun!

Pandora's box has been opened on the Fortnite island and the consequences have not been long in coming: legends of Olympus, such as Hades and Zeus, now rule the island with otherworldly anger. In addition, they have come with weapons and powers of their own. Become part of the mythology and face them in Chapter 5 - Season 2: Myths and Mortals! More information here.

Lady Gaga is part of the Fortnite Festival Season 2!

Lady Gaga is part of the Fortnite Festival Season 2!

Pop superstar Lady Gaga will be the next idol of the Fortnite Festival Season 2! Season 2 arrives today, February 22, with update 28.30 and ends on April 22. For the duration of the season, you can progress through the Festival Pass to unlock new instruments, jam tracks, and more. Conquer the darkness and shine like the star you are! More information here.

Use the powers of the Ninja Turtles in Battle Royale mode!

Use the powers of the Ninja Turtles in Battle Royale mode!

The Winter Festival was just the beginning... It's time for the real fight to begin: the Ninja Turtles return to Cowabunga from Fortnite's Battle Royale to take on Shredder. Cowabunga has kicked off Fortnite's Battle Royale update 28.20 on February 9! Use weapons like Leonardo's katanas or Michelangelo's nunchakus and unlock Ninja Turtles-themed rewards in-game. Cowabunga will be available until February 27, 2024 at 15:00 CET! More information here.

Play as Solid Snake in Fortnite

Play as Solid Snake in Fortnite

Unmatched in covert operations, few are more qualified to infiltrate Society bases than Solid Snake. Complete Solid Snake's Battle Pass missions to unlock his suit and accessories! Fight in true Snake style with invisible camouflage and a box to recognize the terrain: EMP Stealth Camo and Cardboard Boxes await you on the Battle Royale Island! Whoever controls the battlefield will control history. More information here.

Fortnite Championship Series 2024

Fortnite Championship Series 2024

With the new year, the best Fortnite players begin a new adventure at a competitive level. The Fortnite Championship Series (FNCS) returns in 2024 with a $7,675,000 prize pool and three Majors that will culminate in an epic in-person spectacle: the 2024 FNCS Global Championship. While the duos format is here to stay, the tournament structure has been slightly modified. So, whether you're a regular competitor or doing it for the first time, read on here for more details on FNCS 2024.

Underground | Chapter 5 - Season 1

Underground | Chapter 5 - Season 1

Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 brings with it a wonderful island, but not everything is as it seems. The members of the Society are pulling the strings from the shadows and have captured Peely! Join “The Underground” and destroy the Society’s bosses; among them, the best known: Valeria. Discover all the information you need by taking a look here.

Big Bang | A new beginning for Fortnite

Big Bang | A new beginning for Fortnite

Stop by The Big Bang, Fortnite's next live event, on Saturday, December 2, and prepare for an event that will mark a new beginning for Fortnite! Discover all the information by entering here and don't miss a single detail.

Fortnite OG

Fortnite OG

Drop in the original Island once again in Fortnite Battle Royale! Throughout Fortnite OG, each Major Update will bring a different phase from Battle Royale's past, starting with Chapter 1 - Season 5. This means that items such as Shopping Carts, ATKs, the Assault Rifle, Pump Shotgun, and more in both Battle Royale and Zero Build. Discover everything you need to know about this trip to the past by entering here.

Fortnitemares 2023 looms over Fortnite

Fortnitemares 2023 looms over Fortnite

During Fortnitemares 2023, it has been necessary to call the best vampire hunters, and those are the players... Take revenge on the threat posed by Kado Thorne by applying a tooth for a tooth, and for this there is nothing better than the Wood Stake Shotgun. But you don't have to limit yourself to hunting vampires: face the Horde Rush in a timed experience, complete quests to earn in-game rewards, and much more! Find out everything here.

FNCS Global Championship 2023

FNCS Global Championship 2023

The 2023 FNCS Global Championship is just around the corner! This showdown between the world's best FNCS players will take place in Copenhagen from October 13 to 15. At stake will be a prize pool of $4,000,000. Keep reading here to find out all the details about the event.

News of Chapter 4 – Season 4

News of Chapter 4 – Season 4

Vampire Kado Thorne has made the Island his home in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 4 Season 4, draining the Island’s wealth and treasures to fund some pretty fancy real estate: Sanguine Suites, Relentless Retreat, and Eclipsed Estate. Heist goods from Thorne’s properties to take back what belongs to the Island — and more importantly — to thwart Thorne’s ultimate plan. The fate of the Island is at stake, and thievery’s the last resort. So, are you in? More information here.

Fortnite x Futurama

Fortnite x Futurama

Don't let the ancient vestiges at the center of the island stop you from welcoming the future: Bender, Fry and Leela are coming to Fortnite. Not only can you purchase these three suits from the Item Shop now, but you'll also find Bender's shiny, metallic laser weapon on the island. Discover all the information by entering here.

Get the Transformers pack starting in October

Get the Transformers pack starting in October

Come forward, rise up or honk with the Fortnite Transformers pack! Physical copies of this pack will hit stores starting October 13, while digital copies will be available in online stores starting October 21. Play as Bumblebee, Megatron and BattleBus! More information here.

Don't miss Airphoria, the ultimate sneakerhunt

Don't miss Airphoria, the ultimate sneakerhunt

Calling all sneaker lovers! In an improbably floating city, "Airie" has thwarted "Maxxed Out Max’s" attempt to add the grails of missing Air Max to his already-exceeding all-max collection. Enjoy Airphoria in Fortnite and recover the lost Air Max grails! Just for helping, you'll receive the Air Max 1 '86 backpacking accessory. Do you want more Air Max accessories in your box office? Airie and Maxxed Out Max Outfits are now available in the Fortnite Item Shop as part of the Airphoria Pack. More information here.

Wilds | Discover the New Features of Fortnite Battle Royale in Chapter 4 - Season 3

Wilds | Discover the New Features of Fortnite Battle Royale in Chapter 4 - Season 3

Fortnite has welcomed its highly anticipated Chapter 4 of Season 3, and players are eager to dive into a new and exciting adventure. Under the title "Wilds," this season promises to take the action to new heights with a completely transformed map and a series of thrilling gameplay changes. The popular Battle Royale game has unveiled a fully renovated island, with stunning landscapes and themed environments that reflect the wild nature. From lush jungles to arid deserts and mysterious swamps, players will embark on a journey full of surprises and challenges. In addition to the map transformation, Fortnite Battle Royale has introduced new mechanics and gameplay elements to keep players on the edge of their seats. Players will be able to explore interactive areas, discover ancient artifacts, and unearth hidden secrets that unlock unique rewards. The new season also brings a variety of new weapons, items, and vehicles, providing players with even more strategic options to face their opponents. From explosive bows to all-terrain vehicles, players will have a wide range of tools at their disposal to ensure their survival and dominate the battlefield. Furthermore, Fortnite Battle Royale will offer weekly challenges and special events throughout the season, giving players the opportunity to unlock exclusive rewards and immerse themselves in the ever-evolving game narrative. Find out more information here.

Miles Morales, web-shooters și multe altele în Fortnite!

Miles Morales, web-shooters și multe altele în Fortnite!

Deși Spider-Man este deja un vecin și prieten în Fortnite, încă mai sunt multe de văzut din Spider-Verse. De această dată, împușcătorii de web ai lui Spider-Man revin în modul Battle Royale al Fortnite, cu un nou aspect pentru Miles Morales și cu un alt nume: Spider-Verse Web-Shooters. Folosiți-le pentru a finaliza noile misiuni cu tematică păianjen pentru săptămâna 11! Mai multe informații aici .

Coachella se întoarce în Fortnite!

Coachella se întoarce în Fortnite!

Cea mai bună muzică și modă revin în Fortnite datorită Coachella și de data aceasta cu mai multe activități festive și articole cosmetice pe care să le bucurați la maxim. Vizitați Insula Coachella pentru a câștiga XP și produse cosmetice. Ai de gând să joci Battle Royale? Atunci profită și accesează radioul idol pentru a descoperi artiștii care vor fi la Coachella 2023! Mai multe informații aici .

Leon S. Kennedy și Claire ajung la Fortnite

Leon S. Kennedy și Claire ajung la Fortnite

Leon S. Kennedy și Claire Redfield, supraviețuitorii din Raccoon City, știu foarte bine să se apere împotriva amenințărilor. Scăpați de ororile din Raccoon City și aterizați în MEGA City cu noi personaje care vin în seria de jocuri video Legends, disponibilă în Magazinul de articole începând de astăzi! Mai multe informații aici .

Descoperă toate noutățile Fortnite Capitolul 4 Sezonul 2

Descoperă toate noutățile Fortnite Capitolul 4 Sezonul 2

Deveniți versiunea dvs. MEGA în Capitolul 4 Sezonul 2! Deplasați-vă prin MEGA City cu barele de defilare și plimbați-vă pe străzile sale pe o motocicletă de curse. Lăsați turnurile de neon în urmă pentru a descoperi restul noului biom, unde puteți face ravagii în Steamy Springs, puteți conduce un Nitro Drifter pe pista Drift Ridge, vă puteți îmbunătăți abilitățile Kinetic Blade în Kenjutsu Crossing și multe altele. Află tot ce trebuie să știi intrând aici !

Unlock Geralt of Rivia in Fortnite

Unlock Geralt of Rivia in Fortnite

Geralt of Rivia is now available to unlock in Fortnite. Complete Geralt's battle pass missions in Battle Royale Chapter 4-Season 1 to unlock his outfit and other items. Page 1 of his quests is live now, while page 2 will be live on February 28 with the release of update 23.50! Find out all the details you need to know about the Witcher by entering here.

Son Gohan and Piccolo arrive at Fortnite

Son Gohan and Piccolo arrive at Fortnite

In update 23.30, Son Gohan and Piccolo, from the movie Dragon Ball Super: SUPER HERO, make their Fortnite debut. In addition, the Kamehameha attack item and the Nimbus Cloud (Kintoun) mobility item return from the chamber, and Dragon Ball Adventure Island also returns. Find out everything you need to know here.

Isaac Clarke arrives at the Gaming Legends Series

Isaac Clarke arrives at the Gaming Legends Series

Navigation systems specialist and necromorph slayer Isaac Clarke is the newest addition to the Fortnite Legends series of video games! Pick up the Strange Transmissions Mission Pack in the Item Shop and get the Isaac Clarke outfit, Strange Transmissions Quests to earn up to 1,500 V-Bucks, and much more. Discover all the details by entering here.

Don’t miss Guardian Shield!

Don’t miss Guardian Shield!

There’s a new protection item at Battle Royale following the patch of update 23.10 on 3 January called Guardian Shield, giving you a protective barrier which can be used as both a mobile and static defence. Another new addition to the game alongside the fix is the mid-season drops. Over the next four weeks you’ll be able to earn alt styles for the Chapter 4 - Season 1 Battle Pass outfits. Get yourselves to the island, level up and show off your new style! To find out more info, click here.

Giannus Antetokounmpo arrives at the Fortnite Icon Series

Giannus Antetokounmpo arrives at the Fortnite Icon Series

If you want to survive in Battle Royale, you will need the spirit of a warrior and the bravery of a typical soldier. This also helps on the court... Basketball star Giannis Antetokounmpo makes his way to the Fortnite Icon Series. Leave the competition alone with the Giannis Antetokounmpo Outfit and Hoplite Giannis Outfit, along with accessories based on each one. Discover more information here.

Fortnite x My Hero Academia

Fortnite x My Hero Academia

You can now visit the Hero Training Gym island and complete the My Hero Academia missions, available for a limited time. Complete missions before December 30, 2022 01:00 CET to earn XP and unlock special items. You will find items in your locker, but you can also find the Deku Smash item on the Battle Royale Island. Harness the power of "One For All" and unleash a devastating punch that destroys structures and opponents. If you want more information about this collaboration, we recommend that you take a look here.

Play MrBeast's Extreme Challenge and win $1,000,000!

Play MrBeast's Extreme Challenge and win $1,000,000!

Creator, benefactor, and entrepreneur MrBeast joins the Fortnite Idol Series! Eligible players will be able to compete in the MrBeast Extreme Survival Challenge on December 17, 2022 and earn “Score”. The player with the highest score at the end of the challenge will be victorious, which means they will walk away with the million-dollar prize! Players can also reach a certain score to get a special umbrella for their wardrobe. Discover more information here.

Will you be able to beat the Wintersfest Challenge?

Will you be able to beat the Wintersfest Challenge?

Do you feel how the atmosphere cools? That means Winterfest 2022 is getting closer, and the Fortnite community is itching for new experiences! The best thing about Christmas is the memories, and with all the new gadgets and tools added to the game this year, you're sure to create unique and memorable experiences, whether brand new or inspired by other Winterfest Islands. Some of your favorite islands will be featured in a special section during Winterfest 2022! More information here.

What's new in Chapter 3 – Season 4: Paradise?

What's new in Chapter 3 – Season 4: Paradise?

In the new chapter of Fortnite we can see that a mysterious substance has appeared throughout the island. Chrome will consume everything and, at the same time, it will be everything. You will have to accept Chrome, and you will be able to turn structures and your character into this metal and demonstrate the power of chrome weapons. Find out more about chrome by entering here.

Fortnite celebrates the Rocket League World Championship

Fortnite celebrates the Rocket League World Championship

Rocket League Live is going big! Boost your way inside Fortnite and don’t miss the Rocket League World Championship. From now until August 14, you can watch the competition live on the big screen. Thanks to the partnership between these two titles, you can get rewards and advantages both in Fortnite and in Rocket League. To find out more details about the world championship, the event, or the items you can win, take a look here.

Sign up for the new Fortnite Challenge!

Sign up for the new Fortnite Challenge!

The time has come to start thinking ‘bout the season of scares. The Fortnite team is challenging fans to create the best islands based on Fortnitemares. If you demonstrate that you’re capable of creating a truly terrifying environment by utilizing recently released devices, your island could be featured in Discover during this year’s Fortnitemares event! To find out more details about the event and the design criteria for your islands, click here.

Galaxy Cup 3

Galaxy Cup 3

Compete in the Galaxy Cup 3 using an Android device on July 16 and 17 for a chance to earn the Khari (Galaxy Evolved) Outfit and Truth’s Quiver Back Bling before these items arrive in the Item Shop. Grab your favorite Android device and get a move on! More information here.

Which Thor do you like better?

Which Thor do you like better?

Two Thors who have wielded Mjolnir are now available in the Fortnite Item Shop: Thor Odinson and Mighty Thor. Inspired by Marvel Studios’ Thor: Love and Thunder, these Gods of Thunder (with a complicated relationship) are available in the Gods of Thunder pack, which also includes two Back Blings, two Pickaxes, two Gliders, plus an Emote and a Loading Screen! You can also surround yourself with lightning with the Full Charge Style of the Outfits and Pickaxes. More information here.

Does a certain Indiana Jones sound familiar to you?

Does a certain Indiana Jones sound familiar to you?

Surely you’ve heard a lot about him... Now comes the moment for you to step into his shoes! All you have to do is complete the Indiana Jones Battle Pass Quests to unlock his Outfit and more items from the Indiana Jones Set. Dig up all the details by going here.

More Naruto Characters Arrive!

More Naruto Characters Arrive!

As we all know, Naruto values his friends a lot and would do anything for them. This time around, friends and enemies alike come to the island to join Team 7. These new characters will be available from June 24th in the item shop! If you can't wait, don't forget that The Nindo Community Battles have returned, allowing you to get Naruto cosmetics. If you are new to the Naruto universe, here is what you need to know. Welcome Orochimaru, Itachi, Gaara and Hinata!

What's new in Chapter 3 – Season 3?

What's new in Chapter 3 – Season 3?

Good vibes! That is what we will find most in the new chapter of Fortnite, as its name suggests. This time the island has become a huge party. Dance non-stop in Reality Falls, ride on unimaginable creatures, show your bravery in the roller Screwballer coaster and have fun with new weapons. Don't waste any more time to live all the good vibes! More information here.

Pac-Man and Fortnite… Two of the best games in history together!

Pac-Man and Fortnite… Two of the best games in history together!

No matter which way the fight takes you, the PAC-MAN Back Bling will go the same way you do. Does it make you nostalgic because you love classic games? No problem, the backpacking accessory is available in the item shop along with the PAC-Brained Emote. If you want more information before the ghosts eat you, enter here.

Don't miss Gen Hoshino in Soundwave!

Don't miss Gen Hoshino in Soundwave!

Let's celebrate the start of a new season of Fortnite with the arrival of the next artist to the Soundwave series! For those of you who don't know, the Soundwave series consists of a series of musical shows with artists from all over the world and this time it's the turn of Japanese artist and producer Gen Hoshino. Hoshino's show will be available for 72 hours starting June 9th at 14:00 CEST, just a few days after Chapter 3 - Season 3 begins, which comes out on June 5th! If you want more information, go here.

Collision will take place on June 4th

Collision will take place on June 4th

The fate of the Zero Point will be decided in "Collision". All possible help is required for this event, so squad up in a party of four and get ready for action. The Collision playlist will be available 30 minutes before the event starts so players can prepare on June 4th at 22:00 CEST. This is a one-time only, in-game event. Content creators and players who want to relive this heroic and fast-paced experience will need to record and preserve the moment they play the event, as replays will not be available. More information here.

Chica will be the new addition to the Idol Series

Chica will be the new addition to the Idol Series

Chica is the next creator to join the Idol Series! The Chica set will be available in the item shop starting Sunday, May 8. If you want to get her outfit and her backpack accessory before anyone else, you can compete in the Chica Cup on Thursday, May 5 for a chance to unlock these items and a special graffiti. Discover the rest of the information by entering here.

May the 4th be with you

May the 4th be with you

Star Wars Day is celebrated in Fortnite, but not only on May 4… From May 3 to May 17, 2022, Star Wars items from previous years will return from the vault! You can use these items on special missions to unlock an Empire Banner. In addition, all Star Wars costumes that have been in the item shop and are not part of the battle pass will return from a galaxy far, far away. Wield lightsabers again! More information here.

The beautiful Sakura and the mythic Blanka are coming to the island

The beautiful Sakura and the mythic Blanka are coming to the island

The known fighters Blanka and Sakura, from Street Fighter, are taking a break from the arcade machines and will soon go on the hunt for victory on Fortnite Island! To celebrate the 35 years of Street Fighter, you will be able to get outfits and accessories at the item store at the end. You will also be able to demonstrate your power in the Blanka and Sakura cup where you can opt to get a special loading screen. Take a look here and find out the rest of the details. FIGHT!

Unlease chaos with the Moon Knight

Unlease chaos with the Moon Knight

The Moon Knight is in charge of sharing justice for those who move through the night and is now available in the Fortnite items store. The Fist of Khonshu is ready to defend justice whether that be during the day or night, but those looking for something more good natured can use Mr. Knight. This skin includes the backpack accessory the Moon Knight’s Cloak and for short-distance combat, you can use the Crescent Darts Pickaxe. Be the crazy the world needs! More information here.

You cannot hide…

You cannot hide…

Don’t miss any time and unlock the Prowler in the Chapter 3 – Season 2 Battle Pass! Perhaps you are not on the side of the Resistance but you can learn a lot from the Prowler. You can already unlock this criminal from the world class! The Prowler quests can be completed in any order. Upon completing three, the Prowler outfit will be unlocked and after completing seven, the Slash and Smash emote. If you want more information, just prowl over here.

Assassin’s Creed x Fortnite

Assassin’s Creed x Fortnite

Nothing is true, everything is allowed. The symbolic character of the Assassin’s Creed saga, Ezio Auditore, will be here really soon in the Fortnite item store! The Ezio Auditore suit includes the Hidden Blade Picaxe, that only the assassin is able to use. Eivor, Varin’s daughter, is also coming to the Fortnite for the first time. Eivor’s outfit, will be available in the items store from 8th April! If you want to find out more information, click here.

Adorable Mary Jane…

Adorable Mary Jane…

As it couldn’t be any other way, and with classic Spider-Man already in Fortnite, the adorable classic MJ is now coming to the game.. The MJ Watson outfit is already available in the item store and comes with the web shredder pickaxe. To celebrate this occasion where this iconic character joins Fortnite, the Green Goblin is also back in the item store. To find out the rest of the spider details, enter here.

Chloe Kim is coming to the Icon Series

Chloe Kim is coming to the Icon Series

There is nothing more satisfying than welcoming the queen of the half-pipe and snowboard champion, Chloe Kim, to the game. The double gold medallist will come to the Icon Series on 27th March, together with her skin and accessories. However, don’t forget the Chloe Kim cup taking place before this, on 24th March! The best players from each region will be able to unlock the Chloe Kim outfit before it gets to the item store. To find out more snowboarding details, take a look here.



The final battle is here to free the zero point! In this new chapter there will be new tactics, like sprinting, climbing, and much more. You will be able to get on the armoured battleship to make a great entrance or to attach a deflector to your truck to charge like crazy. Bar funding is also back. You can donate your bars to improve resistence weapons and vehicles. If you’d like to find out the rest of the details about Chapter 3 – Season 2: Resistence, just click here.

Naomi Osaka joins the Idol Series

Naomi Osaka joins the Idol Series

Naomi Osaka is such an inspiration… She is a tennis champion, activist, fashion designer and businesswoman. Also, she is now joining Fortnite! Naomi Osaka shot perfectly and joins the Idol Series. The different skins and accessories will be available from March 4, 2022. You can also compete in the Naomi Osaka Cup which will be held on March 2! The top players in each region will unlock both outfits and both pickaxes and back blings from the Naomi Osaka set. If you want to discover the rest of the information, you just have to click here.

Rogue and Gambit are joining the rest of the superheros

Rogue and Gambit are joining the rest of the superheros

Before they used their powers for evil, but Anna Marie and Remy LeBeau are now on the path to redemption after joining the X-Men. They are now known as Rogue and Gambit and will keep fighting for good on the Fortnite island! Take a look here and discover all the items you can get to complete your collection.

The new members of the book of Boba Fett

The new members of the book of Boba Fett

Boba Fett has arrived in Fortnite island and soon after, two more bounty hunters will come. Fennec Shand and Krrsantan are already available in the item store and Boba Fett has also returned to join the rest of the bounty hunters. Don’t lose any more time to complete your collection with the book of Boba Fett outfit with new and old accessories available. Try to get the reward of knowing the rest of the details by clicking here.

Are you ready for the Green Goblin?

Are you ready for the Green Goblin?

The arch nemesis of Spider-Man will not rest until he has seen the superhero fall. Guided by the powerful Daily Bugle, the Green Goblin has followed Spider-Man all the way to the Fortnite Island. Get the Green Goblin costume and other objects from the Green Goblin set in the items store! Take your pumpkins with you over here to discover more details.

Vi arrives in Fortnite

Vi arrives in Fortnite

After the grand debut of Jinx in Fortnite, it could be no other than her sister Vi arriving on the scene to join her. Vi’s design is based on the animated Arcane series, which is based on the two sisters. Take a look here to find out all the information and another surprise.

The Hawkeyes!

The Hawkeyes!

Clint Barton and Kate Bishop take aim in Fortnite! The former avenger Hawkeye (also known as Clint Barton) and Kate Bishop, his superfan, are setting their sights on Fortnite Island. And these are just two of the items from the new Hawkeye Set! Take aim and shoot over to this site to discover all the details.

Cobra Kai X Fortnite

Cobra Kai X Fortnite

Just in time for the launch of Season 4 of Cobra Kai, we give you the news that you can now flaunt the colours of your favourite dojo in Fortnite. The Cobra Kai outfit, inspired by the success of the show on Netflix, it already available in the store. There are ten outfits, the Crane Kick Emote, and more! Click here and find out the rest of the details.

The most feared bounty hunters has arrived in Fortnite!

The most feared bounty hunters has arrived in Fortnite!

In his time Boba Fett was seen as the most notorious bounty hunter in the galaxy, although everyone believed him to be dead after his fall in the Sarlacc pit in Tatooine. Until now. It turns out that Boba Fett survived and has now reclaimed his distinctive Mandalorian armour. Get your hands on the feared mercenary together with his backpack accessories, pickaxe and his starship glider! Take a look here for more details.

Winterfest 2021 is here

Winterfest 2021 is here

During the 2021 Winterfest, (from December 16 at 3:00 p.m. CET to January 6 at the same time), General Winter will give you 14 gifts, including 2 skins! There is also a third skin gift that you can get in another way. Take a look here to discover all the details and the gifts that you can get if you participate in this event.

Llama-Rama is back!

Llama-Rama is back!

With this new edition of Llama-Rama you will be able to get rewards in Fortnite and the new Rocket League Sideswipe! To celebrate the launch of Rocket League Sideswipe on mobile, Rocket League and Fortnite come together to celebrate a new Llama-Rama. You just have to complete the challenges in Rocket League Sideswipe to get rewards for the game... and for Fortnite! Take a look here and you will discover all the information.

Chapter 3 Season 1 Begins!

Chapter 3 Season 1 Begins!

The island we met in chapter 2 has been turned upside down... literally. Chapter 3 is a new beginning, a perfect starting point for new players and an ideal return point for those who have not played in a while. Plus, a ton of new and familiar characters like Spider-Man are coming! If you want to know all the information, enter here.

Let's enjoy the Party Worlds!

Let's enjoy the Party Worlds!

In the Party Worlds you will be able to live experiences designed with the aim of offering meeting points where players can chat, play fun minigames and make friends. For example, you can enter the Walnut World by fivewalnut (Island code - 9705-9549-4193) or the Late Night Lounge by TreyJTH (Island code 8868-0043-1912) to enjoy Fortnite in a different way. If you want more information, click here.

Nick Fury joins Fortnite

Nick Fury joins Fortnite

The master of espionage and Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. sneaks onto the island to end the corruption caused by the cube. The new S.H.I.E.L.D. is available in the Item Shop! In addition to the Nick Fury skin, you can also get the F.I.E.L.D. Pack Back Bling, the Director's Scythe Pickaxe, and the First-Strike Infiltration Glider. If you want to know more details, click here.

The End

The End

The Convergence has taken place and The Cube Queen is ready to end the island once and for all. Nothing will ever be the same again. Wield your weapons and face the destroyer of reality. In order to help you will have to participate in “The End”. “The End” is the end of Fortnite Chapter 2. This tremendous event will take place on December 4 at 22:00 CET, and players will face The Cube Queen in a battle that will decide the fate of the island. If you want more information, enter here.

The long-awaited Naruto X Fortnite crossover is here!

The long-awaited Naruto X Fortnite crossover is here!

After a long time waiting, the characters of NARUTO SHIPPUDEN come to Fortnite to fight non-stop. Naruto Uzumaki, the most unpredictable ninja, and the Jinchuriki that hosts the mighty nine-tailed beast, arrives with the rest of Team 7 to lead you to a Victory Royale! Always wanted to channel your inner Ninja and play as a member of Team 7? How about dropping onto the Island on the back of Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Beast? If you want to know all the details, enter here.

Dark Phoenix lands in Fortnite!

Dark Phoenix lands in Fortnite!

Jean Gray, influenced by a terrifying cosmic force that led her to transcend and become the Phoenix, has been manipulated into something even darker. In the Marvel universe she already possessed great telepathic powers, but the cosmic explosion of the rescue mission has led Jean Gray to an unexpected path. Dark Phoenix arrives on the island of Fortnite! "I am fire and life incarnate! Now and forever - I am Phoenix!" Take a look here and find out all the details of how to get hold of such a powerful character.

Jinx comes from League of Legends to wreak havoc!

Jinx comes from League of Legends to wreak havoc!

Jinx makes her Fortnite debut to commemorate the launch of Arcane, the Riot Games animated series. The iconic LoL character will be available in the Item Shop starting November 4, 2021 at 1:00 CET. League of Legends is coming to the Epic Games Store! Take a look here to find out all the madness to come.

Don't miss Chapulín Colorado in Fortnite!

Don't miss Chapulín Colorado in Fortnite!

From November 2, you can join the best superhero gang if you participate in Aventura Colorada, an experience created by the member of the community, Iscariote, and inspired by the Chapulín Colorado series. Play and compete in minigames based on some of Chapulín's most iconic moments. Use the Chipote Chillón, run full speed with your antennae and shrink in size with the Pastillas de Chiquitolina to explore from a new perspective! Run here to discover how to embody one of the most iconic characters in television history.

The Cube Queen will arise in the battle pass!

The Cube Queen will arise in the battle pass!

You have already suffered her wrath in Fortnitemares, but now the time has come for you to unleash it. The Cube Queen is coming to the Chapter 2 - Season 8 Battle Pass, and the missions to unlock her, along with other royal items, are now available! Take a look here and find out everything.

Enjoy the Shortnitemares!

Enjoy the Shortnitemares!

In Fortnite we are going to celebrate the third installment of Shortnite and, this time, it will be spooky in order to delight viewers in Fortnitemares 2021. From October 28 at 6 PM ET to November 1 at 6 PM ET, you will be able to enjoy Shortnitemares, an event in which seven spooky-themed animated shorts will be screened. Take a look here to discover all the details.

The Refer a Friend program Beta is here!

The Refer a Friend program Beta is here!

You can now register with your friends who meet the conditions from October 25, 10 AM ET until November 15, 11:59 PM ET. By doing so, you can earn in-game rewards by completing missions together until January 10. It’s too easy to do: Sign up on the Refer a Friend website with your Epic account Invite up to 5 eligible friends via the website (as further described below) to play Fortnite Complete in-game tasks together Earn rewards, including the Rainbow Racer Outfit. Join us here to discover all the detailed information.

Paul Atreides and Chani arrive from Dune to fight

Paul Atreides and Chani arrive from Dune to fight

Paul Atreides and Chani’s trip took an unexpected turn and now they find themselves deep in a battle they weren’t prepared for … A battle on the Fortnite Island! Paul and Chani, characters inspired by the 2021 movie Dune, are now available in the Item Shop alongside more gear inspired by the movie. Click here to find out all the details. Also, don’t miss this intro video – with Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya playing the protagonists from Dune.

Get ready to experience the wrath of the Cube Queen!

Get ready to experience the wrath of the Cube Queen!

The Cube Queen is here to mark the beginning of the next phase of Fortnite: Fornitemares 2021. The arrival of the queen brings various changes to the island. Since Fornitemares began, the Cubes have been calculating. Their migration towards the centre of the Island wasn’t simply to spread corruption, but to form The Convergence. What will become of this mysterious structure? To find out all things cubic, step this way.

Universes collide again!

Universes collide again!

We’re guessing you remember The Foundation, down at the bottom of the ocean, reactivating after a long period of inactivity … Well, The Foundation has cropped up in Gotham Harbour and detects energy coming from the Zero Point. Following the Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point comic series comes the standalone comic Batman/Fortnite: Foundation, which will go on sale in walk-in stores on 26 October 2021. Find out how to get your hands on the comic and more information here.

Fornitemares Callout 2021!

Fornitemares Callout 2021!

Fate will decide what Fortnitemares has in store this season … From today you can jump straight into Halloween-themed experiences, maps and games created by the community as part of the Fortnitemares Callout challenge. There are tons of new and returning Halloween outfits to be enjoyed. Throughout the month cards will reveal legendary monsters that will be available in the Fortnite item shop, as well as classic Fortnite characters receiving a Halloween makeover. Fancy a sneak peek? Some iconic creatures include Frankenstein’s Monster and The Mummy! Keep your eyes peeled and check out all the deets here.

The second member of the First Shadows has been announced!

The second member of the First Shadows has been announced!

The next member of the First Shadows is Chaos Agent, who has pushed his evils ways to one side. Once a stop had been put to his wicked designs and he was (more or less) back on the right path, the story of Chaos Origins began. Chaos Origins steps out of the darkness in the October 2021 Crew Pack. Find out everything you need to know here!

Venom in Fortnite! Ready to wreak some havoc?

Venom in Fortnite! Ready to wreak some havoc?

We’re sure you’ve already created havoc embodying Carnage, but now you can do it as the most famous symbiote of all: Venom. The new Eddie Brock outfit is now available in the item shop and, when you’re ready to fully unleash, you can use the built-in Venom Mode to transform yourselves into the lethal protector Venom. To discover how to make the transformation, click here. Check out the Venom Mode Emote … unleashed:

Feature on a Fortnite billboard… And you can do it wearing Balenciaga!

Feature on a Fortnite billboard… And you can do it wearing Balenciaga!

Fortnite is urging fans to express themselves in their Fortography campaign. You don’t have to sport the new Balenciaga collection. In fact, you can wear anything you like. The most important thing is that you express yourself. The photos submitted that are both unexpected and cleverly modified are more likely to be selected for the various billboards in the Strange Times featured hub. To find out about guidelines for the images and how to submit them, click here.

Season 8: Cubed comes to Fortnite!

Season 8: Cubed comes to Fortnite!

After the destruction of the alien mothership, mysterious cubes are crashlanding on the Fortnite island. With them they bring new enemies, new challenges and new portals that lead to sideways low-gravity universes. In the new series Cubed, players must join forces to fight against the cube invasion. Collaborating with the community, you’ll construct turrets, decide which new weapons to use and much, much more. These ominous cubes bring a great deal of problems with them, but they also bring some amazing sideways weapons, sideways chests and special crafting ingredients. To find out more about the new series Cubed, click here.

Martial arts master Shang-Chi joins Fortnite!

Martial arts master Shang-Chi joins Fortnite!

The popular Battle Royale just keeps getting better thanks to the collaboration between Marvel and Fortnite. This time it’s Shang-Chi, the martial arts master from the world of Marvel, who joins the ranks of superheroes. His bundle includes: outfit, emote, glider and back bling, which will be available in the item shop from the 2nd of September. Don’t miss it! For all the details, click here.

Friends are awesome! Play with friends and reap the rewards!

Friends are awesome! Play with friends and reap the rewards!

Can anything beat a Victory Royale? How about sharing in a Victory Royale with your best friend?! Play with a friend between 31 August and 12 September to unlock some amazing rewards! Follow the instruction here to link your Epic account and to start racking up those points. To find out all the details, check out all the latest here.

TIME Studios pay tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. in Fortnite.

TIME Studios pay tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. in Fortnite.

Now we can all pay tribute to the life and work of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Reverend Martin Luther King Jr, in an amazingly interactive experience created by TIME Studios. Thanks to members of the community in Fortnite Creative – ChaseJackman, GQuanoe, XWDFr and YU7A – you can experience Washington D.C. in ’63 and visit the Lincoln Memorial and the National Mall where MLK delivered his famous speech on civil rights. “I have a dream!” To find out all the details surrounding this fantastic creation, all you have to do is click here.

Get The First Shadows!

Get The First Shadows!

Midas set out to build an empire of espionage, intrigue and conquest. Prepare to meet his three original operatives! Over the next few months “The First Shadows” will join the Fortnite Crew. From September you’ll be able to get your hands on The Burning Wolf, Midas’ first enforcer. From October you can get Chaos Origins, the first to be redeemed. And finally, in November, Sierra will appear, the first to be pardoned by Midas. For even more details, just click here.

J Balvin joins the Fortnite crew! And reggaetón reigns!

J Balvin joins the Fortnite crew! And reggaetón reigns!

The party never stops! Renowned, top reggaetón artist J Balvin arrives at Fortnite and enters the Icon Series with his J Balvin Set. This includes the J Balvin outfit, Emote, Glider and Back Bling. You can get it all in the item shop from the 20th of August at 02.00 CEST! NOTE: for the detail obsessed, the outfit includes the J Balvin Air Jordan 1s. And with the In Da Party Emote, the partying never ends with the Balvin and Skrillex number “In Da Ghetto”! To show up to the party, click here.

Mecha Morty joins Rick as a fellow fighter at Fortnite!

Mecha Morty joins Rick as a fellow fighter at Fortnite!

Morty joins Rick at Fortnite with the Mecha Morty outfit, available in the item shop alongside other Morty accessories. Speaking of accessories, keep them safe and with you at all times in Morty’s Backpack Back Bling, (the only downside being that it only fits a Meeseeks Box, but whatever). Also, if you get the Space Snake Pickaxe, you’ll be able to tame Space Snakes. Find out everything there is to know, here.

Fortnite Imposters mode has arrived! Don’t trust anyone…

Fortnite Imposters mode has arrived! Don’t trust anyone…

Don’t pass up on the chance to play the new and thoroughly entertaining Fortnite mode! Will you make a good Imposter? Or are you better suited to working out who the real Imposters are? Find out in this maximum 10-player game mode. Eight are Agents defending The Bridge and two are Imposters attempting to seize it. To find out more details, venture over here.

Wonder Woman leaves Paradise Island to join Fortnite

Wonder Woman leaves Paradise Island to join Fortnite

Wonder Woman, a symbol of peace and a beacon of hope, has arrived in Fortnite. The former Amazonian comes to the Fornite Island to fight alongside her comrades in the Justice League. You can get hold of Wonder Woman and her armoured variant from the 20th of August 2021 in the item shop. You can also take part in the Wonder Woman Cup! To find out all the information and more, click here.

Get ready to meet the fiercest woman in the galaxy!

Get ready to meet the fiercest woman in the galaxy!

If you’re a Guardians of the Galaxy fan, then no introduction is necessary. Gamora, daughter of Thanos, will join the plight on 15 August and help to protect the Fortnite island from alien invasions. As early as 11 August you can take part in the Gamora Cup, a duo tournament in which you have the chance to bag her awesome outfit and accessories. Don’t miss it! Check out all the information surrounding the arrival of the fiercest lady in the galaxy by clicking here.

Fortnite Version 17.30 now available!

Fortnite Version 17.30 now available!

If you thought the Ariana Grande concert was all Fortnite had coming up, think again! Epic Games has a new update for the legendary Battle Royale. Version 17.30 reveals a revamped Creative Mode, featuring the Skydome device to illuminate your island and the Wildlife Spawner to fill it with wolves and boars, etc. There are also customisable lights that you can add to your constructions as you please. Find out everything there is to know about it by clicking here. And there’s another new object awaiting you: the Grab-itron. Use this weapon to attract objects that are in front of you and then launch them at your opponents. It’s slick! To take a look at the Grab-itron and to find out more about how it works, click here. And it doesn’t end there! Before the end of the season, the 4th of September, the Epic Games team aim to update and improve abilities that get the least use, such as Grenades. To check out the changes being made to the Heroes and their abilities, take a look here.

Ariana Grande is coming to Fortnite!

Ariana Grande is coming to Fortnite!

Are you an Ariana Grande fan? Then don’t miss out on what Fortnite has in store for you! From the 7-9th of August, you can go to the singer’s Rift Tour. Over these three days, you can choose from 5 different showtimes for the Rift Tour. And as if getting to hear the star that is Ariana wasn’t enough, event passes also give you access to Fornite-themed experiences, so we recommend arriving an hour before the show starts. What’s more, you can unlock rewards the singer will have with her by completing missions at the event. For all the details surrounding the event and to find out how you can enjoy the show you’re your friends, click here.

Summer Skye and Set joins the Fortnite Crew!

Summer Skye and Set joins the Fortnite Crew!

The adventurous Skye is back on the island and she’s showing off her base and sinister styles. August’s set includes the Cursed Eagleshield Back Bling, the Epic Sword of Might Pickaxe and the Meowscles-adorned Pspspsps! Wrap. Click here to find out all the details. And don’t miss out on new customisations! If you weren’t already in the know, wrappables aren’t just for weapons, they can also be used on Back Blings and outfits. To see all them all, click here.

Join the powerful pride celebration!

Join the powerful pride celebration!

The explosion of colours is never-ending! This week, choose between four sprays, as well as lollipop and rainbow wraps, take a’bow Emote and many other items to show your support for diversity: while playing your favourite game. All items are free in the Fortnite shop. You also have access to the Love ISLV playlist, featuring LGBTQIA+ artists. What are you waiting for? Arm yourself with colour and hop on the Battle Bus here!

Bugha is set to join the Icon Series!

Bugha is set to join the Icon Series!

It couldn’t have been any other way. The Fornite world champion deserved his place in the Fornite Icon Series. The Bugha Outfit will be available in the Fortnite shop from Wednesday, 21st July, at 02.00 (CEST). But before all that, Bugha will make his grand entrance with a competitive new LTM which is fitting for the occasion: Bugha’s Late Game. Show off your talent in this Arena mode to qualify for a one-day tournament, for cash prizes! If you want all the details and to find out more about the world champion, click here.

Get ready for the NBA King!

Get ready for the NBA King!

LeBron James is joining the Fortnite Crew! From July 14th you can get two different Outfits in the Fortnite Shop, with matching sneakers, of course. The King brings with him a Back Bling, the Lion Pickaxe and the Wingspan Glider, but it´s getting even better – you can use the editor to add to his Outfit up to 20 gold variations! Let the King shine on the battlefield! Because of the premiere of the new Space Jam movie: A New Legacy, you can also get the special Tune Squad LeBron, and if that would not be enough, there is also the LeBron’s Taco Tuesday. Take a look to all the information related with LeBron´s arrival here.

Loki comes to Fortnite! Or not… Noone knows with this guy

Loki comes to Fortnite! Or not… Noone knows with this guy

Directly from Asgard, the God of Mischief joins the Fortnite Crew! The Fortnite Crew members will be able to get Loki’s pack including the Loki Skin, Loki’s Cape Back Bling, Loki’s Scepter Pickaxe and the Chitauri Chariot Glider together with the Loki’s Welcoming Loading Screen. Take a look to all the information related with Loke and or discover the details about the Fortnite Crew here.

UFOs in Fortnite!

UFOs in Fortnite!

If you thought this summer would amount to lying down on the beach, you were wrong! Real Ufos arrive on Fornite’s island along with a new event: Cosmic Summer. You have until July the 6th to don your summer attire and wait to be abducted by a flying saucer. Abducted? That’s right! Don’t tell us you never wanted to be on board an alien spaceship? Also, you can unlock many summer-themed items, like the popsicle Brain Freeze Back Bling, the surfboard Cloud Llama Board Glider, or the Believer Beach Loading Screen. To get all the deets on this Cosmic Beach Party, take your binoculars and look here.

Take part in Fornite’s new interactive show!

Take part in Fornite’s new interactive show!

From June the 24th in Fornite, you’ll find something never before seen: an interactive adventure full of music and creativity! O2, in collaboration with the community, has prepared a bunch of new attractions. The island will host the O2 portal, where you’ll witness a concert from the music band easy life. But this concert is not a passive one — you’ll participate in an unparalleled adventure. Plus, from the creative mode in the O2 compound, you’ll have access to different minigames, activities and attractions. Don’t miss out on this exciting adventure! To join in, follow the steps towards the creative island here.

Mecha Cuddle Master is here on Fornite!

Mecha Cuddle Master is here on Fornite!

Cuddle Team Leader is back on the island, more impressive than ever thanks to the Mecha Outfit. Besides this amazing Outfit, the pack includes the Psytronic Bow Back Bling, the Nuzzle Jet Pickaze and the Cuddle Mech Wrap. Active Fornite Crew Subscribers will receive the pack on May 31, 8 PM ET. What’s more: if you don’t have it already, you’l also receive all four Fortnite Crew Loading Screens that were included as additional content on the Fortnite Crew pack on May. If you want more info, click here.

Want the new Street Shadows Challenge Pack in Fortnite?

Want the new Street Shadows Challenge Pack in Fortnite?

The team behind Fortnite wants to give us specific instructions to not miss out on the Street Shadows Challenge Pack. To claim this pack, simply log into Fornite from the Epic Games Launcher on PC from May 20th to June 17th. Better hurry up! The offer expires at 11 AM ET on June 17th. To get detailed information about this, click here.

Participate in the Deathstroke Zero Cup and get his skin!

Participate in the Deathstroke Zero Cup and get his skin!

With the arrival of Beast Boy and Raven to the island, it makes sense that a villain would follow: it’s Deathstroke! From June 1st, you can get the skin of the Teen Titans’ mortal enemy — it comes with katanas! IMPORTANT: If you buy comic number 4 of the Batman/Fornite series, you’ll get a code for Slade Wilson’s Glider — if not, you can always buy it from the store. Warning! On May 27th, you can participate in the Deathstroke Zero Cup and, as a reward, unlock the skin before anyone else. If you want all the information, click here.

Get ready to bounce with Fornite’s Wild Week No. 3!

Get ready to bounce with Fornite’s Wild Week No. 3!

This week is aptly titled “Bouncing off the walls” and is already available. Use Hop Floppers to reduce gravity and make you look like you’re flying. The Shockwave Grenades and Shockwave Bows will make the battlefield a mess of people flying all over the place! Don’t waste any more time and bounce towards battle! Take a look at the complete News by clicking here.

Get ready to dunk in Fornite!

Get ready to dunk in Fornite!

The NBA comes to Fornite! Can you believe it? From May 22, you can get the Outfits of 30 NBA teams to show off your favourite colours. Furthermore, if you want the whole set, you can grab the Shoot & Score Pack from the store. Get your sneakers ready to enter the court by clicking here!

Escape the hostile island!

Escape the hostile island!

You awakened on the island and come to realise you weren’t extracted after your last Squads match. It’s time to show what you’re capable of. Furthermore, if you managed to escape, you’ll get the new Impossible Odds Loading Screen and Escapist Umbrella. If you want all the information, click here.

Here comes a New Wild Week: Fish Fiesta!

Here comes a New Wild Week: Fish Fiesta!

You like fishing? Would you even say you love it? Then don’t miss this New Wild Week! Starting now for one week, fish and weapons are hooked on you! In this Fish Fiesta, fishing spots will persist longer and harbour rare fish more often. The weapons you get will only be of the Rare rarity of above, and there’ll be Pro Fishing Rods aplenty. Hurry up! You only have until May 20th at 10 AM ET to fill out your fishing Collection Book. Sayonara, fishies!

Join the Teen Titans Cup to unlock the Beast Boy skin!

Join the Teen Titans Cup to unlock the Beast Boy skin!

From May 14th, you can get Beast Boy on the Fornite store alongside his accessory and personalised Pickaxe. Use Beast Boy’s built-in Go Ape Emote to transform into his Gorilla Form — great to move around the island with the rest of the animals! You can also compete on the Teen Titans Cup to unlock Beast Boy before anyone else — this will be a Duos Tournament taking place on May 12th. Take a look here to get all the information.

Wild Weeks are on in Fornite!

Wild Weeks are on in Fornite!

The Wild Weeks come to the Fornite island from May 6th! Each week, players will enjoy a new and unique gameplay dynamic where they’ll develop different strategies and movements to achieve victory. The first wild week will be “Fighting Fire with Fire! If you’re ready to burst towards victory, get all the details here.

Deimos rises from the underworld thanks to Fornite Crew

Deimos rises from the underworld thanks to Fornite Crew

In May, Fornite Crew members will have access to Deimos, the soul-snatcher, who features not only a new Outfit but also a new Ninja-Class Hero in Save the World. It also includes full, permanent access to the Save the World PvE mode! If you want to know all about it and discover the perks of belonging to Fornite Crew, click here.

Neymar Jr arrives on Fortnite

Neymar Jr arrives on Fortnite

Neymar Jr joins the large ranks of Fornite characters on April 27th. Complete his Battle Pass missions to obtain his skins and other items that are part of his Outfit. Also, remember that you can unlock his primal forms. Don’t forget to participate in the Neymar Jr Cup to win a custom soccer boot! This tournament will take place on April 28th. The best player of each region will receive a customized item. If you want to know all there is to know about the latest Fornite signing, click here.

Are music and Fornite your passions? Don’t miss out on this!

Are music and Fornite your passions? Don’t miss out on this!

If you have a Spotify account, and you’re a member of Fornite Crew, now you can enjoy 3-free months of Spotify Premium! Being an active Fornite Crw subscriber, you only need to ask for a code to have access to 3-free months of Spotify Premium. Beware: this offer is only available for Spotify accounts that have never tried Premium before. Spotify Premium features many benefits, incluiding access to millions of songs and podcasts. If you want to hear all the information about this offer, click play here.

Universes Collide! Here comes Zero Point, a new limited-edition comic book!

Universes Collide! Here comes Zero Point, a new limited-edition comic book!

April 20 will see the arrival of this new comic book series — make sure you get it from your usual comic book store! The first comic will release in the United States, Germany, Italy, México, Brasil, Spain and the Czech Republic. The complete series aims to release in Japan, Korea and France next autumn. Great news for Fornite players: each entry in the comic series will include comics that will give access to DC cosmetics for the game. If you love comics and Fornite, this is the perfect occasion to enjoy your favourite two hobbies at the same time. Discover all the information and FAQs here.

Fornite and Horizon Zero Dawn finally together, thanks to Aloy!

Fornite and Horizon Zero Dawn finally together, thanks to Aloy!

The epic heroine from Horizon Zero Dawn joins Fornite, and she’s ready for battle. From April 16, items from Horizon Zero Dawn will be available. Get the Aloy outfit, Aloy’s Spear Pickaxe and many more. Furthermore, Playstation 4 and 5 players will enjoy the Aloy cup, where you’ll have the chance to get the Horizon Zero Dawn Bundle before anyone else. If you want to know more about this content, get your bow ready, aim and click here.

Unlock special skins by “super leveling”!

Unlock special skins by “super leveling”!

With the Chapter 2 Season 6 Battle Pass, you are now able to exceed Season Level 100 with the aptly-named “super leveling”. Super level up and you’ll have access to these skins in 3 different variants: Chromium Skins: Tarana -> 110 Raz -> 130 Asesina de la aguja -> 150 Runic Skins: Tarana -> 160 Raz -> 180 Asesina de la aguja -> 200 Golden Skins: Tarana -> 205 Raz -> 215 Asesina de la aguja -> 225 Will you manage to get them all? To know more details about this, click here.

Stream your gameplay on Fortnite in Houseparty!

Stream your gameplay on Fortnite in Houseparty!

From November 2020, Fortnite players have been able to talk with their friends via Houseparty — now, they get to stream their gameplay through this app. Activate Fornite mode on Houseparty and your friends on the app will have access to your live streams. Furthermore, Houseparty will send notifications when your streaming, and you’ll also get a notification when your friends are streaming.  If you want to know all the information about it, click here. You also have a video explaining the process here:  

Spring Breakout on Fortnite!

Spring Breakout on Fortnite!

On March 30th, the team from Epic Games break out eggcellent news! New missions and cool weapons befitting of the style of this Battle Royale will be made available. Plus, on Friday, April 2 a new competition will fill in for Friday Night Bragging Rights: the Spring Breakout Cup. If you want to battle in style, you’ll need information, which you can get by clicking here.

The cat-like Alli comes to Fortnite Crew in April!

The cat-like Alli comes to Fortnite Crew in April!

Lynx’s sister enters the fray! On March 31, active Fortnite Crew members will receive the new Crew Pack which will include, among other things, the Alli outfit. As you well know, Fortnite club includes many more perks for their member. If you want to know all the details, click here.

Mistery at Croft Manor!

Mistery at Croft Manor!

After Lara Croft’s debut on Fornite’s New Season Battle Pass, Croft Manor is available on Creative Mode. If you finish the Mistery at Croft Manor event, you’ll get a special graffiti of the famous tomb raider. Be fast — this experience will only be available until March the 30th! If you want more information, click here.

Fortnite: Chapter 2 – Season 6 | Primal

Fortnite: Chapter 2 – Season 6 | Primal

Epic Games brings about a new season of its legendary Battle Royale game. During the Crisis Zero finale, we witnessed how Agent Jones and the Foundation sealed Point Zero in a stone tower. While Point Zero was been contained, it liberated a mysterious pulse over the island, destroying any advance technology in its path — the island has received a makeover! During this season, players will get to enjoy a new Battle Pass full of incredible rewards. If you want to know all the details, click here.

Do not miss out on the Zero Crisis Finale Event of Episode 2, Season 6!

Do not miss out on the Zero Crisis Finale Event of Episode 2, Season 6!

Episode 2, Season 6 will premiere on Tuesday the 16th, following the conclusion to Season 5 events. When starting the new season, you will experience the climax of agent Jones' special solo mission. The outcome of this event will turn the reality we know on its head. Be warned! You do not need to set up anything — the Zero Crisis Finale Event will be a single-player experience, and you will experience it once you log in during the season. If you want more information about it, click here. 

Ant-Man joins Fortnite

Ant-Man joins Fortnite

Epic Game’s legendary game is known for its collaborations with Marvel, so it’s no surprise that a new one has been announced. This time is the charming superhero Ant-Man who’s joining the roster. If you want more ant-formation, click here.


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