Trapped in an ancient forest, a young prince searches for a lost god. On his journey, he befriends the spirit of a feisty young girl and together they discover that their destiny is intertwined.
Players control three characters while exploring fantastical places and getting to know their weird and wonderful inhabitants.
Get ready to enjoy an N64-era inspired adventure!
- Three switchable characters, each with their own unique skills, personality and interactions.
- Explore a colourful, hand-painted 3D world.
- Spectacular, melodic soundtrack that varies depending on level and surroundings.
- Campaign with a wonderful story that tells the tale of the world in which you find yourself.
- Meet the friendly inhabitants of the forest and trade with them.
- Fantastical places to explore, full of exotic creatures and terrifying monsters.
- More than 60 types of weapons, with different characteristics and ways of attacking.
- Numerous puzzles to put your aptitude to the test, and hidden secret for you to discover.