Potatoman Seeks the Troof

Potatoman puts your reflexes to the test in a journey through scorching deserts, dark forests, bustling cities, looming mountains and, every once in a while, your potato consciousness will have to search for the ultimate answer. Ready?

Potatoman Seeks the Troof

Potatoman puts your reflexes to the test in a journey through scorching deserts, dark forests, bustling cities, looming mountains and, every once in a while, your potato consciousness will have to search for the ultimate answer. Ready?


  • Unrivalled challenges and intriguing concepts.
  • Original story that will have you questioning everything you though you knew about potatoes.
  • Squirrels! Vultures! Monkeys! Tetrahedrons!

معلومات اللعبة

  • عنوان: Potatoman Seeks the Troof

  • التصنيفات:

  • العلامات:

  • مطور: Pixeljam

  • الناشر: Pixeljam (0)


واجهه المستخدمأصواتعناوين فرعية

متطلبات النظام

الحد الأدنى

  • OS: Windows XP

  • CPU: 1 Ghz CPU

  • RAM: 1 GB

  • GC:

  • HDD: 50 MB

أحداث داخل اللعبة

ملاحظات التصحيح // إرشاد // دروس

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